WD poisondart /spine dart %physical or %poison

When I look at the top rankings I see that they are using poison dart with resource generating skill spine dart and it turns the damage to physical, yet their items are stacking poison % damage increase. Since poison dart does all the damage why aren’t they stacking physical%
Can someone explain?

The darts from the fetishes will always be poison. And there is more of them than you…that is all.


That… and their darts hit harder than yours to begin with thanks to Carnevil. It buffs the fetish darts as well as enabling them to shoot.

However, I can’t remember how big the buff is coming from Carnevil, but it’s a good amount unless something changed with last update to make 10 fetishes shoot.

The only reason you use Spined Dart, is to make it grant resource, thus enabling the effect from Depth Diggers to double your, and your fetishes damage.

The WD’s personal dart is not where your big damage comes from. It mearly guides the fetishes on where to shoot.

Which, as Spectre said, is always going to be poison damage.