WD , you MUST:
*** Use defence only near monsters
WHAT? (brasers must have in all builds!!!)
*** Use attacks before to deal the damage
WHAT??? (debuff must have in all builds)
Who will play this?
I came to D3 at the beginning.
Have tried all classes, and had one love - its WD.
=== WD had passive running army.
BARB had a fury
DH had a strafe.
Wiz had archon
==== after first few patches I remember, we lost Zuni build at all. got Jade and helltooth, but still playable. Managuma running. A lot of fun. also Gargantuan+piraniado.
BARB had a fury
DH had a strafe.
Wiz had archon or exploding build.
==== few patches later WD lost top tier at all. WD LOST all pets builds.. WD MUST use skills before the damage right to the enemy.
— BARB had a fury. had pet builds!!!
— DH had a strafe. got multishot build. had pet builds!!!
— monk got a range build. had pet builds!!!
— Crus gor range build. had pet builds!!!
ALL this classes never use attack before damage. coming to enemies before defence.
they could never come close to the monsters at all.
I did a pause in it and come back 3 years later. Whats changed?
all classes got new builds.
what can I see? NON FETISH damage. PETS exept fetishes in descriptions.
BARB has a fury - it isnt passive. yes, you just need to run with the right mouse button with your dealing of damage. nothing more.
DH has a strafe. - it isnt passive. yes, you just need to run with the right mouse button with your dealing of damage.
I do. GR 100 only running without anything except RMB.
My friend with multishot never see monsters, they die behind the screen, 120 GR easy.
WD just die, die, die. die… because BLIZZ dont like passive playing. REALLY?
WD run more than any other class. its must to do. (try)
Better is to delete the class than to tell
"we dont like passive playing"
I really think,
WD must have passive buff for damage of its own or ALL pets, depend on a build/set. As all other classes.
WD must have other savings, not how it has existed, but as another classes. 1 from set(50-60%!!!), 1 from skill (30-50% as DH) and 1 additional of 1-2-3 items (hadnt existed at all) of 40-50% (+1-2 10-15%)
right now WD has only 10-30% def, it’s not adequate for last 5 years patches.
I can see in my stash old DH things and new.
all def has increased, WD not!
damage items? same.
old builds? look! Zuni is the weakest!