WD Dmg Nearing Bazooka Levels

that D3 is in is not “toxic” users, but bad design decisions, among them this ridiculous powercreep that brings us stratospheric numbers and a complete imbalance, in addition to server stability problems. Now Blizz is obliged to revert in some way all the damage that has been done, and some cannot even be solved like the GR cap.

While some point out balance problems and give us suggestions to avoid more powercreeps and imbalance, some just care if they will close the highest Gr with the strongest character to show their friends “how good I am”. I see no other reason, because of the way it is. WD is even stronger than sader and WW. so what do you want is for WD to be dominated?

Everyone is posting as they want here, no one has been stopped in any way, do you have any type of schizophrenia?

Instead of complaining and implying that someone is “crying”, post suggestions for your class to be nerff correctly, because even if you don’t want to, it will definitely have a nerff.

First of all, GR 150 is the maximum level of this game, and as such it must be difficult, challenging … This game mode was NEVER designed to have an end, it should be infinite. However, due to repeated badly implemented buffs the objective has been corrupted, even so, it is clear that the maximum level of this game must be VERY DIFFICULT. If you don’t like “difficulty”, just stay in your 130s forever, as there are people who have fun with a leaderboard and would like it to be taken seriously.


Let’s be honest.

WD most likely needs to be nerfed (and potentially to a lesser extent the new wizard build).

  1. The top clears on live always exceed the PTR by several GRs (often 4 or more).

  2. The top 7 WD clears in this PTR are GR 143 or above with the top being GR 145.

  3. For comparison in era 11/non-season, there was only 5 solo GR clears that were GR 145 or above. These clears were done by wizards and thorn necromancer. Both were nerfed in patch 2.6.7. In era 12 non-season, there are 6 non-crusaders who have cleared GR 145 or above.

  4. For comparison, in PTR patch 2.6.7, ww/rend barbs top clear was GR 140. Even after a slight reduction in the buff to the build, there are now 34 worldwide clears that are GR 141 an above with 3 players clearing GR 146.

  5. AoV crusaders were nerfed and soon will be nerfed again (patch 2.6.7a and patch 2.6.8). It was clearing GR 150.

  6. In patch 2.6.7, wizards and thorn crusaders were nerfed. In patch 2.6.8, additional wizard nerfs were implemented. A new wizard LoN build was also introduced. The PTR clears suggest that this set will have similar power to ww/rend barbs if not hair more.

  7. Ironically, more barbs in non-season/era 12 have cleared GR 142 than wizards and necromancers combined in patch 2.6.6/era 11 non-season.

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this is the revenge of all the soon-to-be unemployed wizards :smiley:

so you just want to be #1 on the cheaterboard. qed

My man. You are wasting your time replying to a troll. If he spent 1 minute thinking about the answers to his own stupid questions I’m sure they would pop up. But he sees someone wanting to bring down his new shiny toy a little bit and goes on the defensive right away.

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my new shiny toy - you got me. do you work for scotland yard?

I realize that some people turn game balance requests into class warfare; however, there are players who are sincerely interested in maximizing the fun for all classes by having better balance rather than OP classes.

I am one of the people who asked for wizards nerfs pre-path 2.6.7. I also asked for crusader nerfs in 2.6.7. I asked for barb and monk buffs pre-patch 2.6.7. More recently, I have advocated for buffs to necromancers and DH.

A few posts above this, I also indicated that I worry about the new wizard set being a little too strong.

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Good. It should. And we should stop nerfing everything. The game is basically in maintenance mode. With a Hard cap at 150, anything that exceeds that potential is good. Every builds “balance” should strive for that. The more that can be built to hit 150 the more we won’t be forced into one option as we build the skill and paragon required to actually pull such a feat off in the first place. Diversity is fun. If a build can hit the cap then leave it alone and buff a new one.

Look at D2. The cap was and still is 100, and yet many people almost never reached it, but it was possible with almost every build. It was fun knowing it could be done even though it was damn hard to do it.

Knowing that 99% of D3 builds cannot even come close to the cap sucks.

This may be nice to some, but I found the fact I could not get to the top content, and a system that led to botters reigning supreme was a bit unsatisfying and rather drab.

They could have just as easily made GR25 be the max, left out all the multipliers, and that feeling of when you hit a Gr20 would be amazing.

It would also be more fun if a well thought out and put together build not centered around 300+ hours of paragon farming could clear the max content and the max content could be about speed clearing not fishing!

My point on this is that it is all inflation without a true and meaningful purpose.

Because I do not agree with Blizzards balance point of GR130 and 5k paragon, I want more things speed rushing through content in this Arcade game that they built.

If fishing is the only way to clear content, that is terrible game design.


The problem with this idea is that group play surpasses solo by a wide margin. If classes can solo GR 150, group content becomes trivialized. I would prefer to strive for a goal and be challenged than to be running GR 150 in 4 man solo in a few minutes if all classes could solo GR 150.


The main issue with this is it leaves 0 player time retention to the more casual ended players, as well as the more experienced. By trivializing every tier you not only encourage solo play more than group - you encourage botting more as well. Also, rats/group play is quite a bit more experience as opposed to botting, especially in s19 since it was 150 speeds for xp.

You also go on to say that grinding isn’t fun, when Diablo’s 3 main purpose is to be a looter, thus enabling a time based progression system that’s already in place. Not to mention you gloss over the fact that speed running will still have the same if not much more fishing required as rng will become a much bigger factor.

I suggest you take some more time to reflect on what it is that’s truly best for the game and player base as a whole when it comes to game balancing. I would go on to answer more of what you said, but it’s the same sentiment, only reworded.

Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s easy or even trivial. Again I reference reaching the level 99 level cap in D2 as an example.

Doing 150 in less than 3 min is ridiculous ,even with good maps iT should barely be possible even for 10k par

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There’s a difference between time in the limelight and OP and desperately needing a buff…GR150 in 6 mins sub p5000 is OP. And if you cannot see that, you are biased, bordering on delusional (no personal offence intended).

By all means buff WD, it needs a buff and has been, along with DHs, the most ignored class in the history of D3 since its release.

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I’ll just add that some DHs are happily limiting themselves to being happy with a GR130 clear with p5000 in the DH improvement thread…and the new set for WD is doing GR150 solo in 6 mins…

A GR150 should be just doable by very experienced, very talented players (4man group only ), with the very best gear, and a tonne of fishing. And then, only JUST completed in time. IMHO of course. A GR 150 should be impossible to complete solo wise…

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I tottaly agree, i dont get why players doing 150s like i do 120s even wanna play The game

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Ppl have to understand that it’s plain stupid to nerf a build (vyr/chantodo, bazooka, gen monk, whatever) and next move is to buff another build/s to the dmg lvls of the nerfed ones. It has no sense.

I am a big witch doctor fan and I play this class almost every season and although I like to see the class shine for once I think it’s fair to say that a nerve will be coming to the new set since it’s extreme in DPS output. I do however hope that they boost the defensive stats and nerf the offensive stats if it comes to that. Like other people mentioned in this thread I also think GR150 should be near to impossible to do and all classes should be similar in results when it comes to the damage builds.

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Even So if you look hat way, what do you propose all chars can steamroll 150 or you can play baz forever?or that you like iT only gets played with macros? Sorry i dont agree

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Info for those reading with here.
Rna spammed lists on the Barbarian forum, when it recieved the rend buff, to get the class nerfed.
Even moreso, he continued to talk about the class, in which he was wrong multiple times.