Seems like forgotten knowledge and many does not seem to know:
*2P increases duration to 15 sec: So 1100% wep dmg is not acting over 5 sec but 15 sec. Total damage is the same but damage per sec is less. So 500% increased damage is not 6x but in reality it is only 2-2.5x damage buff.(Edit: I did not really look at tooltips for a while and I misremembered this. I was corrected by Jako below. It is 500% increased damage per second so this explanation here is invalid)
4P-Rended enemies take triple rend damage during ww: so you rended 20 enemies. the rend applied prior has triple dmg. I am not exactly sure how much prior though. If it is very short, any rend during channeling must benefit. So it tries to encourage rend 1st hit followed by wwing. I am not sure if DDs are considered as ww though.
That s why rend was just a utility skill in the past since these two buffs are not actually adding much damage.
*Edit: I mis remembered 4p. Now correct one is mentioned.
So basically, adiing rend to 6P gave a buff and ambo 1sec is speeding up the bleed process and that s it. No one has time to wait for bleeds while pushing GRs.
2P comes to about 2x or 2.5x.
I think if they want to increase ww damage they could add a utility to 2p as welll. Such as each rended enemy increases attack speed 5% etc.
The 2P bonus increases the damage of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds. Simple math tells you that if you increase the duration, you lower the dps.
1100% weapon damage over 5 seconds is 220% per second. Increase the DPS of rend by 500% and its up to 1100% per second or 6600% over 5 seconds. Increase the duration to 15 seconds and you divide the dps by 3 or 1100% / 3 = 366% per second. In not so many words, the 2P bonus triples Rend’s damage.
Now for the meat and potatoes. You’re trying to tell me that Ambido and Lamentation along with the new 6P bonus, are not huge buffs to Rend? Ignoring the 10,000% increase feom the 6P, lemme show you how wrong you really are about Ambido.
This weapon does all of Rend’s damage in 1 second. Lets say you have the wastes set and lamentation but no Ambido. This means when you hit with WW, your Rend will start ticking at 366% weapon damage per second and renew every time you hit them.
That’s small tick after small tick after small tick and never really amounts to anything. Now, imagine you apply Rend while using Ambido. All 15 ticks happen over 1 second, but if you hit them twice in that 1 second, it applies two stacks of rend and deal all 30 ticks worth of it’s damage.
Now if you can wrap your noodle around this, Rend can crit. That means if you apply Rend and it crits, all 15 ticks are going to crit. And if you didn’t crit, nbd because the next time you hit them you might crit.
The bottom line is, Amibo’s Pride is a Godsend and your google translation is atrocious.
Actually, it can. If Rend crits, its damage is amplified by your CD. IE if rend does 1000 damage over the duration and you crit with 300% CD, Rend will do 4000 damage over the duration. What you won’t see are yellow numbers. Better do some more research.
This crap about “scaling” with CD and CC? Sounds like he’s saying that Rend calvulates this and averages it in otherwords every Rend tick is the same unless you change your CD or CC. Not at all what happens.
Did i read it? You mean the one that won’t even let you minimize it? The same one that says he believes Rend averages its damage based on your CC and CD?
I’ve tested it plenty, perhaps you should go find yourself a zombie and try it yourself. And when you come back, explain to me how sometimes Rend 1 shots a zombie and other times it doesn’t.
→ rend damage is increased to factor 18 (1800%). Otherwise the buff would make no sense.
And with Ambo’s the full damage is applied in 1s instead of 15, and can then be applied again. Mechanics is similar to Jade Harvester.
According to D3Planner, you’re wrong. Equipping the set (and nothing else) as well as a no rune Rend, the total damage is calculated as follows:
Critical Multiplier: 1 + CHC * CHD
Strength: 4817%
Skill multiplier: 1100% (no rune Rend) Extra Duration: 3 (2 piece)
Wrath of the Wastes: 500% (2 piece)
Wrath of the Wastes: 200% (4 piece)
Also incorrect. This is a buff on the player, not an interaction with the enemy. Use whirlwind and then stop and look at whirlwind’s tooltip (there’s a timer bar above whirlwind’s ability like other buffs):
“Wrath of the Wastes
You were recently whirlwinding. Damage taken reduced and Rend damage increased.
3 seconds left”
This can be further verified by first whirlwinding and then applying Rend. The damage is already increased and will decrease as soon as your whirlwind buff drops. You don’t even have to hit the enemy you are going to rend with whirlwind, just use it to activate the buff.
Increase the damage per second of Rend by 500% and its duration to 15 seconds.
Rend does 1,100% damage over 5 seconds, which means it does 220% damage per second. Wastes (2) multiplies this numbers by 6. So now it is doing 1,320% damage per second. Wastes (2) makes this last for 15 seconds. Wastes (4) triples this damage. Tripling damage means multiplying the previous numbers by 3. This means Wastes (2) + Wastes (4) makes Rend last 15 seconds, and Rend does 3,960% weapon damage per second.
Hi Jako, was the tooltip saying damage per second? I seem to remember otherwise but if so then I am wrong of course.
About 4p I also said rend deals triple dmg to rended enemies while ww. However, I think there may be a loophole there sonce we have ambo now. You dont have to rend now so does 4p still applicable to ambo rend?
4p means that while you are whirlwinding the damage of Rend is increased 200%. Doesn’t matter if you something or not, it just checks if WW skil is active.
This means that Rend does a base damage of 220% per second (1100% over 5 [read: 6] seconds). You get +500% from the WotW 2p and it is extended up to 15 seconds. You get +200% from the WotW 4p. You get +10,000% from the WotW 6p. PTR gave + 200% from Lamentation. And then you can get some +15% from items, but let’s ignore that first.
1100% divided by 5% is 220% per sec, multiplied by 6 (+500%) means it deals 1320% per second for 15 seconds.
If you WW then it is multiplied by 3 (triple damage) to 3,960% per second.
This is then multiplied by 101 (+10,000%) for 399,960% per second.
That is multiplied by 3 (+200%) again to 1,199,880% per second.
Over 15 seconds that is 17,998,200% - and that can be done TWICE.
So Ambo’s pride allows you to put on 2 times 18,000,000% damage every second.
Now Whirlwind does 340% damage each second, but that is 3 hits over 1 second at 1 attack per second. That is only increased by +10,000% from WotW 6p and +400% from Skull Grasp. Mantle of Channeling and Hexing Pants of Mr Yan can each provide another +25%. Again we ignore the magical +15% bonuses from items.
340% / 3 = 113.3% per hit
That is multiplied by 101 (+10,000%) for 11,446.6%
Multiplied by 5 (+400%) for 57,233.3%
Multiplied by 1.25 (+25%) 71,541.6%
And again multiplied by 1.25 (+25%) for 89,427%
Max is 5 hits per second which yields 447,135%
This means that if Lamentation didn’t yield any buff, Rend would have done the same damage as Whirlwind each second (ignoring Dust Devils here). This is why there was a demand for the addition of Rend to the 6p set, as it was doing less than 100 times of what Whirlwind did.
The 2 only previous buffs to Rend put it at 3,960% damage per second while we had over 400,000% on Whirlwind itself. On PTR Rend does more than 40 times the damage of Whirlwind making that damage useless.
THIS is the main issue regarding the Ambo’s Pride item.