Was Leger Disdain changed over the years?

I played nay’r black death 2 years ago. I wanted to replay this again before we go go to D4.

Leger Disdain
Grim Scythe deals an additional 80% damage for each point of essence it restores.

Why is it that many Poison Scythe guides does not use Contamination Skeletal Mage + Razeth Volition for dumping Essence?

Was this item changed from how much essence added into the essence pool, into how much essence a Grim Scythe generates (12xenemies hit)?

Or was it because the build is now focused on Aquila armor for the DR?

I believe that the damage that you do is dependent on the essence generated into your pool (i.e. if at max essence, Leger’s doesn’t benefit you), but the damage that your simulacrums deal does not take into account how much essence is added to your pool. So the two simulacrums get a buff from Leger’s for the essence generated, not the essence restored. Basically the simulacrums deal the bulk of your dps and you just stay alive.

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So there is a 3rd option:
Sims have empty pools, fully benefits from Leger’s Disdain, and deals most of the DPS anyways. All I have to do is stay alive, maintain the Nay’r Buffs, and keep hacking…

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Sims benefit way more from that phylactery than you do. Therefore, all versions of the grim scythe build are a pet build, in which pets do the vast majority of your damage and their positioning is crucial.

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Some build added “Siphon Blood Power Shift”…
Get 10 Powershift stacks (10 seconds?) before attacking Grim Scythe?
I already have 5 skills to cycle around then this mechanic?
Is it worth it? or reserved only for the RG?