WARNING! Bug issue

Not sure if this has been posted yet but be careful when switch builds from your armory. There’s some kind of bug. The builds get mixed and will not gear your toon the way you set it. Check your build before playing after setting from armory.

Sometimes you switch gears or sell items and forget. The Armory may choose items in stash to replace a similar build. This is more apparent in gems and weapons.

I know what your saying but that’s not the case here .

Most likely lag then… Sometimes destroying items at Blacksmith doesn’t work and just have to wait it out. The Armory is not perfect, but the way you explain your situation is that your Armory was previously changed. Either that or you created a new character. There’s so many things that could go wrong if you keep messing with the Armory. If you keep switching from one build to another then expect things to go wrong. Leaving games also may not save properly because this is the internet.