I just had a cool idea for the 6 piece vyr set to buff archon, and I wanted people’s opinion.
When archon stacks expire, gain 0.10 damage reduction per stack, and reduce the cooldown of Archon by 0.10 seconds per stack (maybe adjust this per stack).
What do you guys think?
It already gives DR per stack (0.15% per stack) and this will persist for 15-20 seconds after it expires as long as you are using Swami.
The issue with Vry’s has nothing to do with cool down or damage reduction. The mechanic of having to wait through two cycles of Arcon to actually be able to do anything is frustrating, then add to that the lack of damage output when you are full powered. Reverse Archon is janky to play, and defeats the purpose of the set. It’s too bad the devs couldn’t ever figure out a way to make it work. If anything they could have made the Archon abilities, abilities that could be buffed by gear.
You guys are right. I just wish Blizzard would buff this build, it deserves so much better.
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