Voo juicer or shukrani triumph

between those 2 which one u think have better buff for mundungu regaila ?

Shuk …yes this is a complete sentence

sorry for my bad english :laughing:

A GG voo’s juicer sims/papers slightly better than shukrani. But it depends on your gear. They are similar output. Voo’s also gives mana regen and life regen which helps get more damage elsewhere.

Do you know how shukrani is applied to phantasms? Do you have to cast the phantasm in spirit walk to snapshot shukrani or just accumulate extra damage in spirit walk?

yap after i tried it my self i think voo still better, bcs it easy to used not like shukraini which only activated when u use spirit walk

I love my Voo Juicer! It’s a great weapon when it’s ancient.

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