Voice Lines in D4

Bring em back - “Time to Die” “Die” “This is for you” “Help!” “follow me”

Bring them back?

D4 hasn’t been released yet. And they already exist in D2 and D3.

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Dance emotes would be great, too.


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Don’t they just randomly happen in D3? I don’t remember being able to spam “die!” in D3. The random banter in D3 is pretty good.

There are in-game emotes (in the PC version, at least), bound by default to the numpad keys.

Shame they removed Wizard’s HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cackling when channelling Disintegrate.

This kind of HAHAHA sounds great in Xcom2 and Divinity 2 on very successful critical hit. In D3 though crits is a joke…

I personally think emotes and dance moves, etc completely ruin the gaming experience for me. I’m trying to browse the npcs in the hub to find the meta supplies I need for another grand adventure and there’s a bunch of clowns making so much damn noise that I have to mute my TV until I get back out into the world. Emotes and jackwagons who sit in town all day to spam their nonsense are a good 60% of why I can’t stand MMOs

As Morgan stated, some of the emotes are bound to the numeric keypad in the PC version by default. The rest of them (a total of 17) can be manually bound to other keys. (See image below).

Edit: The “random” emotes you’re referring to are the automatic battle cries your Character shouts during critical hits.

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