Vit or All Res on M6 chest Armor at high paragon levels?

Many M6 Build Guides recommend having an All Res roll on chest Armor.

However, as far as i know, high Paragon means big damage reduction due to the scaling mechanic in GRs, so i think in this case the All Res roll should be less effective than Vitality.

Are my thoughts right or am i missing something?

You’re missing something.

First, some basics…

  • 1 point of STR = 1 Armour
  • 1 point of DEX = 1 Armour
  • 10 points of INT = 1 All Resist

This means that for STR heroes (Barb, Crusader) and DEX heroes (DH, Monk), they naturally inherit Armour from their primary stat. They lack All Resist. Thus, their biggest increase in EHP (Effective Hit Points) comes from increasing their lowest mitigation stat, i.e. All Resist.

This means that for INT heroes (Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard) they naturally inherit All Resist from their primary stat. They lack Armour. Thus, their biggest increase in EHP (Effective Hit Points) comes from increasing their lowest mitigation stat, i.e. Armour.

So, the reason that a DH wants All Resist on its gear, rather than VIT, is that it provides way more mitigation to your hit point pool than slightly increasing the size of the pool. Also, if you want more hit points, you can allocate as many paragon points as you like to VIT. You can’t get All Resist that way.


I’m aware of all that. I was referring specifically to high Paragon lvls, like 8000 and more.

There must be a point, at least this is how I see it, where the damage mitigation via Dexterity/Armor is big enough, so that an extra All Resist roll should be slightly effective.

Resistances and armor are separate mitigation sources. You want to have plenty of both. Since Dex gives armor, resistance rolls on gear are important. Large amount of armor is no excuse for low resistances.

As for the amount of Vit, have enough to gain 800k-1M health pool. No more is practical as your recovery suffers the bigger the health pool is.

And why exactly is that? As far as I know, Armor mitigates any type of dmg, just like All Resist. Armor scales the same as All Resist and it doesn’t have any diminishing returns. So why isn’t a large amount of Armor enough?

Sry for being persistent, but I really want to understand this.

Armor and resistances stack multiplicatively with each other. While huge amount of armor through Dex might be “enough” , having resistances on top is even more mitigation. More mitigation is always better.

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I see, that makes sense. Thanks.