Vision Portal Bugged

As I entered the next level on my vision portal I encounterd 3 boss mobs, after killing all three I noticed neither a goblin or any trash mob spawned to progress in the portal.
I have walked around and attacked in all places of the map but nothing is coming out.
This only happened to me once in hundreds of levels.

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Same happened to me once, just now.

Reason unknown, never seen that bug before now, and I’ve done 100s of portals too.
If it matters, i’m using necromancer LOD skeleton mages build for the runs.

Bug occurred on “act 1 jail” map filled with random monsters, ive destroyed every barrel or anything, killed all the monsters and next portal still wouldnt appear

It may be that the portal is located in the same spot as the portal into the current level, so it would be hidden behind it. Try mousing your cursor over/around/through the entry portal?

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Just happened to me last night. It was in one of the levels without an inbound portal (the T shaped room where you come down stairs) so I know the outbound portal wasn’t hidden. My guess is it happens when the portal spawn monster is one of those damn flying things. They don’t appear immediately but only when you walk over a spot to trigger them. But the trigger point happens to be someplace you can’t walk so you can never cause them to swoop in. It’s super rare but it’s also super annoying.