As a huge fan of this skill and of the fantasy suggested by the Danetta’s Hatred set, I want to outline some issues with how that fantasy is actually carried out, and possible solutions, to be optimistic about 2.6.7+.
So, what is the fantasy suggested by the Danetta's Hatred set?
Primarily, the fantasy is to do damage with the Vault skill.Why is that the fantasy it suggests?
Danetta's Hatred does 4 things, each of which indicates this is the intended fantasy:- (1) Makes Vault cost Hatred and (2) gives you the Rattling Roll rune. Being Hatred-based means Tumble and Acrobatics do not apply to it. Having Rattling Roll already means the two rune choices are Action Shot and Trail of Cinders. This is a signal to select a damage-dealing rune. Additionally, moving away from it being Discipline-based aligns it with Blizzard's philosophy that DPS should come from Hatred and not from Discipline. A high-profile example of this philosophy in action was the Patch 2.1 change to Preparation - Punishment:
- (3) Increases Vault's damage, applicable only to the Action Shot and Trail of Cinders runes. This is also a clear signal that the set is meant to be used with the damage-dealing runes and that it is meant to make the damage more significant.
- (4) Leaves clones as you Vault. This is the one least connected. I won't argue that this one is a strong signal like the others. In theory the clones in theory do add a small amount of damage, but it is minuscule. However, 3 out of 4 sends a clear message.
“Preparation (Punishment) was creating less than ideal gameplay by encouraging the conversion of Discipline to direct DPS.”
What are the issues the fantasy faces?
- The Vault damage is too insufficient to be meaningful, even with the 9x multiplier.
- At best you will get into the low billions with damage from Vault itself. Even that is quite the stretch.
- The most effective use of the skill for damage actually gets its damage from Vengeance, not Vault, and really gets its damage from another set as well (Unhallowed Essence).
- Since Vault triggers Vengeance, the most effective way to do damage from Vaulting is actually through having 81 Discipline and using the Unhallowed Essence 6-piece bonuses.
- If we take Vault's 300% WDMG x 9 from Danetta's Hatred, this is 2,700%. We'll come back to critical damage from Action Shot in a moment.
- If we take the baseline 400% WDMG from Vengeance (without any rune changes, Ballistics or Grenadier) x 284.5 from Unhallowed Essence 6, this is 11,380,000%.
- I've left out the 40% increase from Vengeance and the 60% increase from Unhallowed Essence 4 in both scenarios since both Vault and Vengeance can benefit from them.
- While Action Shot can auto-crit, this is less than a doubling of damage (since the Vengeance setup could have Critical Hit Chance on items). Being generous, our 2,700% x 2 = 5,400%. This is 2,107x less damage than the Vengeance damage.
- While the Danetta's Hatred conversion of Vault costing Discipline to Hatred is still relevant in this setup, the 800% increase in Vault damage is wholly irrelevant. But since that 800% bonus exists, it suggests the intent is for that bonus to matter, which would mean a build dealing its damage via Vault, not via Vengeance.
- Without use of a 6-piece set, the most effective use of Vault for damage is actually discipline-based, not using Danetta's Hatred, both undermining the Discipline-Hatred philosophy and demonstrating the inefficacy of Danetta's Hatred.
- The most effective way to boost damage without a 6-piece set is Legacy of Dreams. This requires not using Danetta's Hatred. To sustain Discipline-spending, you stack RCR and CDR on every slot possible, including using Yang's Recurve, Leoric's Crown, and Gogok of Swiftness. You can maintain approximately 2.5 Vaults/second without running net-negative on Discipline. Altogether, even assuming considerably higher numbers of Vaults/second in a Danetta's Hatred setup, the Discipline approach is able to output more damage.
What are some possible solutions to fulfill the fantasy of using the Danetta's Hatred set to enable a build that deals damage with Vault?
- The simplest is to either directly buff Action Shot and Trail of Cinders or to buff the Danetta's Hatred set damage multiplier.
- Next, you could add a multiplier, DIBS or otherwise, to Vault on the individual items that make up the set.
- Getting more complex, you could introduce other ways to boost damage of Vault that would work in conjunction with this set.
- Increasing Vault damage based on movement speed.
- You could even put a unique twist on this and have the damage scale based on the difference in movement speed between you and the enemy, so slowing them down also boosts your damage. If it's {Your_Speed}-{TheirSpeed} that would be slightly more than the basic example in the bullet above. If you wanted to push it more, it could be {YourSpeed}/{TheirSpeed}. E.g. if your speed was 185% and theirs was 60%, your damage would be increased by 308%.
- Increasing movement speed based on different conditions - e.g. hatred spent, attack speed, number of clones you have. Since Vault's animation scales with Movement Speed, this boosts damage but also increases resource costs per second. It helps, but since resource costs can be rather large at higher numbers of Vaults/second, this shouldn't be leaned on exclusively.
- Allowing Vault to synergize with other skills and/or items for other skills.
- Legendary power to have Vault uses other skills while still counting as Vault for the set damage multiplier; unfortunately this would likely require two itemization approaches, one for Action Shot and one for Trail of Cinders:
- Action Shot shoots skills: any Primary, Chakram, Elemental Arrow, Impale, Multishot or Cluster Arrow
- Trail of Cinders leaves behind skills: trail of Sentries, trail of Spike Traps, trail of Fan of Knives that spring when an enemy approaches
- Items like Chain of Shadows that benefit Vault under different conditions related to other skills.
- Legendary power to have Vault uses other skills while still counting as Vault for the set damage multiplier; unfortunately this would likely require two itemization approaches, one for Action Shot and one for Trail of Cinders:
- Make effects that scale with your number of shadow clones. For example, Haunt of Vaxo could add 100% damage for each clone you have, which would work on its own since it creates a clone, but would synergize with Danetta's Spite as well. Admittedly this type of approach has to be examined in context of how other builds might poach it. E.g. would a 6-piece set onsider Danetta's Spite in the off-hand and Haunt of Vaxo to stack a multiplier for a skill other than Vault?
- Adding other unique gearing incentives / multipliers for Vault. E.g. what if a legendary power said, "{PARAM}% of your Life per Hit/Kill is applied as damage on every Vault?" That could represent a substantial damage increase even with a moderate percentage, since it would add to base damage and the value per affix is in the thousands (or even more with Shadow Power or the Leech Passive if using Life per Hit).
- Increasing Vault damage based on movement speed.
- Moving beyond just the raw damage, which is a significant need, addressing the lack of meaningful AOE as well.
- This can also combine with the option above for Vault to shoot or leave behind other skills. E.g. AOE is achievable through shooting Spray of Teeth, Bolas, Grenade, Chakram, Elemental Arrow, Multishot and Cluster Arrow; or leaving behind Spike Trap and Fan of Knives.
- Have Vault - Action Shot fire additional arrows.
- Have Vault - Trail of Cinders leave behind a larger trail/wake. Maybe it's wider by a number of yards equal to your pickup radius.
- For Action Shot, you could expand the shot radius by your pickup radius. It wouldn't actually affect number of enemies hit, but it would add some extra 'reach,' I suppose.
Thanks for reading.