Updated : RG Dropped Ninth Cirri but - Nevermind , RG dropped me a great one this time!

The darn thing was rolled with

+1000 Dex
+1000 Vit
ASI by 20.0%
Regenerates 7185 LpS
Fan of Knives Damage Increased by 15%

I rolled off FoN for 10% CHC . Figured that would be the best overall for Damage increase . It does have perfect Hungering Arrow Increase of 600% of course .

RG Dropped it for me when playing tier 110 doing speed runs . Needless to say , my jaw dropped when I saw what it was . A bit disappointed when I Identified it . But I can’t complain too much , it’s the best I have found so far .


Yeah, most primal satchels are actually going to be fairly mediocre. The lack of guaranteed crit makes it hard to get a good roll. Mine has vit and RCR. You not only need good RNG to get a primal, you need good RNG on top of the primal roll to get a good affix combination. You could go through a fair few primal satchels before you get a really good one.

At some point I’ll probably replace mine with a well-rolled ancient (or even a non-ancient, anything with HA + AD/CDR and 590+ affix should be better than a primal with just CHC), but the difficulty of getting the right primary rolls AND a good legendary affix roll makes that pretty tough. At least a primal rolls 600 on the legendary affix…


A lot like that with FoT Ammy too . I actually had another Primal FoT drop again last night , and it was total garbage . So far , since they’ve changed that ammy , I have gotten two Primal and both terrible . They weren’t joking when they said “Good Luck Finding a Good One” were they ? LOL . So many variables , so hard to get optimal .


Don’t forget that “garbage” FoT might not be horrible to slap on a follower for next patch so hope you kept it…

Oh, and the bit about Primal Satchel? How bout the fact I got a literally perfect one with CHC and HA on it…the week before the patch that changed the legendary power.

And btw - the one I got this season basically rolled exactly like yours - not sure what I rolled to get CHC, but yeah…it’s a bit of a bummer :slight_smile:

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I already got rid of the FoT , I got so frustrated I instantly trashed it . I got better one’s to use on followers though

The quest is over unless I get one better than this one :

Primal Ninth Cirri Satchel

+1000 Dexterity
+1000 Vitality
Attack Speed Increased By 20%
Critical Hit Chance 10%
Rolled Elemental Arrow 15% to Hungering Arrow 15%

Secondary +12 to Maximum Discipline



Close to perfect…if it rolled HA native and allowed you to roll off Vit for AD/CDR, then it’s the unicorn.

Nice one though. Highly jealous.

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Two primal NCS in a month? Wtf?

@Thanos , Got to play hard to get the goods . It’s luck and dedication is all it is . Sometimes you get on a hot streak and get a few good primals then it goes cold for a while . I find all my goods by repeatedly running GR 110’s and 115’s paragon farming and sometimes I even get lucky in NR’s while key farming . Play hard and pray hard is all we can do . Good comes to those who play the game hard . :+1:

@PMG , yeah , really the only thing better would be one rolled like mine with the AD stat . But that 1000 vitality is pretty useful as well . Mine pretty much comes in second place for NCS’s . I’m happy with it compared to the other one’s I’ve had so far .