Updated Blizzcon floor map

The Diablo fans are going to be completely messed up. They will go to the broom closet behind the bathrooms for the normal Diablo spot.

It is nice to see one of their hallmark games get some love and have a full room of the layout.

A moment of silence for the Starcraft and Heroes of the Storm fans out there. No representation.

Diablo fans won’t be able to conveniently go to bathroom and check out the latest Diablo content at the same time. It’s OK, in 5yrs time, that QoL feature will be back :rofl:

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Activision saw no future in the RTS genre which directly led to the demise of Starcraft and the departure of all RTS developers. However ActiBlizz is now owned by Microsoft who actually does care about RTS genre and might want to resurrect Starcraft franchise.

Just because there’s no representation this coming Blizzcon doesn’t mean Starcraft is completely dead yet. There might be hope in the future.

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The return of SC Ghost lol.

They invited several streamers I wonder if they will be streaming the rumored D4 expansion?

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Starcraft III let’s go

Hmmm, Age of Starcraft anyone?

Followed promptly by the re-cancellation of SC Ghost. :stuck_out_tongue:

But in all seriousness, I would really love to see SC Ghost made in this day and age. Graphics, in game story telling and third person action gameplay have advanced so much over the years.

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