Update on the 2.7.8 PTR - September 19, 2024

The 2.7.8 PTR went live today at 1:30 p.m. PDT and will run until September 26. We appreciate your patience and look forward to seeing you slay the demons from Hell in the PTR.


So that we can efficiently review your posts, please provide feedback in the PTR Feedback forum and bug reports in the PTR Bug Report forum.

The PTR Feedback Forum and the PTR Bug Report Forum are currently locked. Players participating in the PTR cannot create new topics.


Posting here since the topics are locked. I’m noticing what seems to be a distinct reduction in the # of audio channels. Sound effects from enemies are getting constantly cut off.


I noticed a lot of audio clipping as well.


Also noted audio clipping as well as slight video stutter. In Act 3 & 5 and in several different places had ray-traced colored shadows from dead enemies, decreasing to infinity point. All vanished when the dead vanished.


I cannot believe that the PTR Forums are STILL locked.  

Of course, there’s not much to report. Mac players are either not having issues or they are having issues.

As far as game bugs go: Everything (I use the term loosely) is broken. Especially for those who did a PTR Copy.  

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It says I cannot create a new topic

Anyway – the little icons on the Act maps that indicate a key warden are not there. I’m on PC. Addendum – it’s because there’s no key warden there.

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Are you in Adventure Mode on Torment I or higher with a Level 70 Character?

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