Unpopular opinion: I liked playing the AH and trading

The only people that are reading this are still playing D3 and clearly don’t like trading so I’m expecting nothing but negative feedback.

I played D3 from Error 37, through the fall of the AH, and then again when ROS was released. Do a handful of rifts, get a load of set & legendary items, congrats the game is over. You are the top 5%.

The reason D2 was wildly successful was because of the replayability that came from an almost endless grind for loot. Honestly how many of you can say you legit saw a jah or a ber drop, or both to make that tasty enigma. When you finally got a good item to drop it was a griff instead of the HOZ you were trying to get so you’d have to go and work the people to get the best deal. Maybe one guy offers you two ohms and a sur, maybe another offers you and HOZ and two ums. It’s all about the hustle!

I remember reading articles that “people weren’t playing the game as intended” and were just “working the AH to get the best gear”. WHO CARES!? I love that stuff. Getting rid of the AH ruined the game for people like me - if people didn’t like the AH, they didn’t have to use it.

When the AH became a “problem” SSF wasn’t a concept but if people were crying about drop rates without the AH then a SSF mode with balanced drop rates should have been the answer. The “other” popular ARPG with SSF mode has no increased drop rate and people still love it.

TL;DR: People enjoy working the AH to get better gear. SSF was the right answer, not removing the AH. D2>D3.


I didn’t enjoy the auction house because it was mandatory to use if you wanted to progress (unless you were lucky beyond imagination).


You say “D2 endless grind for loot”, they raise you a “d2jsp :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:


Gonna stop you right there, because that was one of the biggest problems. In game drops were so poor and so rare that you did have to use the AH to progress. The best way to advance was to not play the game, but play the AH instead, and yeah, if I wanted to play a trading / economy simulation I’d have purchased a freaking trading / economy simulation. I’d be all for better trading than we have now in D4, but not something that detracts from the actual game and gameplay the way the AH did.


AH = Pay to win. :-1:


If trading gonna make a comeback it should return for the PvP oriented fellows with PvP based items and there should be a separate gameplay mode for it. If you don’t care about PvP in a PvE based game, you shouldn’t be touting “p2w” against a separated PvP model either.

Exactly. People defending AH need to start understanding why others hated it. It had nothing to do with being against trading, it never was and never will be. It was hated because it directly affected the gameplay by making loot drops abysmally bad and therefore using AH became mandatory. It was essentially impossible to play D3 without using AH.

Basically AH was not an option to find the gear, for 99.9999999999999999999% of the playerbase it was the only way to find some decent gear to make any progress in the game.


Wake up OP, it’s almost 2020.

Your time machine needs to go back in time.
Adjust your dial in front of you to May 5, 2012 where you will find bliss!

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İ didnt see the d3 AH but having RMAH is the same stuff like d2jsp (never used) or buying items of a d2 botshop

However i recommend u check POD
With drop rates adjusted near optimally and no real money involved i am enjoying it more thrn d3 cos there is a loot grind

U get smthg u BARTER it for smthg u need

Just annoying sometimes how it is done

İ think if there was a BARTER house instead RMAH that would be good

One problem D3 lacks is a medium of trading Like runes in d2 which i think was intentional to push people to $$$


The argument against this is a barter house would contribute to sites like d2jsp reinserting themselves in the process, with things like “this random white item I found (and d2jsp gold) for the primal ancient weapon.” Now, that said, I found it refreshing that the d2jsp economy actually worked fairly well for people who farmed runes through rushing other people (Hellforge). That made it easy to get rushed; rushing people was kind of fun; and it was a clear path to items you wanted.

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That sort of game has existed in the past ans has fallen by the wayside. Anyone remember trade wars 2002? God I’m old. It could easily be updated and made more complex. EVE online had some of the same features but was more PVP oriented. The thing is it needs to be built from the ground up and Diablo just isn’t the genre for it. I hope you find the game you’re looking for

I already addressed that - read the post. the solution to that argument is SSF (or some other core) with drop rates adjusted for people who want to play like the game is now. IF they had done that - l guarantee that there would be more people playing “my version” d3 than that SSF mode or d3 the way it is now.

RMAH*. not AH

Same as above

TELL ME HOW!! Also if that’s an “old dude” joke I’ll take it on the chin.

Yeah I’ve played all of the big d2 mods. Best one I found was “Patch 3.8” Median XL is too different for me to get in to but POD is solid as well. There’s lots of good mods but Path 3.8 has waaay more content than POD but it still holds the OG D2 feeling

I agree 100%

Why do you guys care so much if other people are using a site like d2jsp and why do you care at all what other people are doing lol? It doesn’t affect the experience for you. Especially if you are still playing d3 right now - you clearly don’t need trading to have fun so everything in your post and the other guy who mentioned jsp is irrelevant imo.

I’m looking for trading in diablo 3 not trading in a trading game.

You’re not going to get it. That’s not even a forlorn hope it’s just hopeless. The time for major system changes is long gone.

Unpopular opinion: I liked playing the AH and trading

4 groups had FUN with it:

-players that liked to beat other human players more than mobs

-RMAH traders
-RMAH scammers

I loved trading in D2. I would not play a “trading mode” in D3 because the gear design is so horrible.

D2, you had many incremental gearing options until you found that BIS piece. You could play with rares and farm Hell and be reasonably efficient. D3, you need your 6 piece set plus a few other pieces or else you are farming T1 forever. To make trading fun in D3, you would have to seriously nerf the drop rates for BIS pieces. This game is definitely not designed to be effective that way.

You would also need to scrap Loot 2.0 as far as getting drops for your class is concerned. No trading is going to go on if the only person finding a Yang’s bow is Demon Hunters. Now your looting modes are very different, which means more time being put into adjusting things on both modes, which means they ain’t gonna do it.

Now you have to look at the items themselves. Each piece of gear has far too large a range of rolls to be prudent for trading. In order to trade for something decent, you need something decent. It reverts back to the Vanilla lottery winners. Most people won’t be able to trade because they cant find anything worth trading.

Finally, there isn’t much to be used for currency. We don’t have runes or gems. While we do have mats, they are very limited in variety and very easy to farm. Straight item for item trading will be a real pain.

There are ways to implement trading in a game. I hope if they make D4 has trading. Unfortunately, D3’s loot system is designed so horribly, it would take a ton of work to make trading possible. If they make D4, trading or not, I will not buy it if the loot system is as bad as D3’s.

AH = Pay to play.
JSP = pay to play.

Jsp is the very reason the AH was created.

Completely random low drop rates + the grind + in game trading item for item = where all the fun is.

There’s a big difference between in game currency trading and real money auction house trading.

I do think player to player trading is a good idea, but not with real money.

Hoping D4 has some type of trading system.

They can also go the route that Black Desert Online went. Where you sell your items to the Auction House and then the Auction House owns it and sells it. You don’t wait for another person to bid/buy the item, it’s purchased instantly by the Marketplace system.


It wasn’t how rare or common things were, it was how interesting it was to actually develop a character.

D3 does not suck because items drop too often or not enough, it sucks because whatever drops, sucks. Itemization and character growth in D3 is boring and it sucks, regardless of rarity.

This is why people who try and blame trading for the shortcomings of D3, lose their credibility.


I sorta doubt you ever read the context of what I’m trying to say; I said trade should only cater to PvP crowd with specialized PvP items allowed to be traded so PvE portion of the game with leaderboards, wouldn’t be affected.

Regardless, if you wanna label RMAH as pay-to-win to distance it from “normal in-game trading”; I have some bad news for you. Once you allow item trading in the game, real money will find its way through digital transfers and you have NOTHING to prevent that.
As of right now D3 has an underground market that you are -most likely- unaware of and they’ve been running this for years by the help of botters. What makes you think trading will be free of real money investments? Be honest.

100% agree. I dont think it’s feasible at this point to “fix” loot in D3. If I remember correctly it was semi-confirmed that D3 is in maintenance mode and I know it’s in classic games now so there’s nothing big coming.

I disagree that JSP was pay to anything. (not that I ever used JSP) but it’s completely reasonable to have thousands of fg on JSP without spending a penny (not that I had any experience). I also agree with your “Completely random low drop rates + the grind + in game trading item for item = where all the fun is.”

I think it’ll have to. There’s so many ARPGs out there that blizz can get inspiration from with trade they shouldn’t mess it up. I really like the idea of having the trading system integral to the game but as we saw with the AH you have to water down drops so hard because you make it so easy to move items. I thought WoW had an AH? They should have been able to pull from that experience and move it to Diablo. Obviously it wasn’t that simple!

I literally never even mentioned the “RM” part of your RMAH. Idc about real money. There is an “underground market” for just about every game that exists… You must not have played diablo 2. Everyone knew about the dozens of webistes you could buy items from thanks to the 2-3 spam bots that joined every public game created in the last 18.5 years. Also Ebay before they banned virtual sales. Old news brotha, it has and will forever exist.