Unkillable Monsters?

Should not be all that hard to reproduce… I’m getting it about 5% of the time, after the rift guardian is dead and Ursi appears - so there is no way to finish the rift and no way to turn in. Whirlwind/Rend Barb.
September 2021

Slowly kite the unkillable mobs a long way away from Urshi, then run back to her. If you’ve kited them far enough away, they’ll fall behind and stop following. Then you can upgrade your gems, back to town, and hand in.


I’ve seen it about 4 times in the past 24 hours. Complete a greater rift, try to talk to Ursi, and some little nitpicky immortal monster will pick away at your health until you die before you can upgrade your gems and turn the quest in. Requires a restart to get out of the GR. September 2021.

No it doesn’t. In the post literally one above the one I’m replying to, I explained how to get your upgrades done.


I have run into some unkillable minions in GR 95.

It has happend 3-4 times now and I have figured out a fix. One time it happend to an elite pack that just killed me. Literally taking 0 damage for a full COE cycle which literally just my lightning cycle would have killed them…Health bar did not move - so I just skipped them and no problem. The rest of the times it happened on rift guardians. Always - they kill me - I res and they take NO damage - however - I figured it out the last time if I kite them into a new zone they will take damage again.

This appears to still be an issue. I just had it happen with Frost Hydra too. I was able to kill the mob by giving my follower a Tormentor staff and having her charm it–that made it killable again.

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My current season WW/rend barb with Ambos/Lamentation one shots everything, even in T13+, and I get an unkillable mob every greater rift level. Every time, multiple per GR. It’s actually just fine until I need to upgrade my gems. If the mob attacks too fast, its basically impossible; if the mob just didn’t cancel the chat window it would actually be work-around-able. Now, I think im going to get to 99% and run to the next level so it gets stuck on the other side and I can kill the GR and get my gem.