Hey there been playing D3 for ages now and first time i’ve really come across this issue, at first i thought it was just a random bug one time thing what ever but now it’s constant and has actually cost me a few GR clears to not be deathless for bonus roll. Im playing barb this seasons as i usually do (that or crusader) and i keep getting into a situation where i’ve cleared an entire zone except lets say 1 mob and that’s because i cant target said mob, cant damage said mob, follower cant damage said mob, Conduit shrine cant damage it, but it sure can wallop on me and kill me i’ve had to kite mobs all the way to the other end of a zone let it kill me respawn in town and then go back in to upgrade gems, but what really sucks is when one of these unkillable mobs get me in the middle of a GR not sure if this is known issue or not and really hope to have it resolved, has been happening ever since you guys patched the Pandemonium buff.
Well, it was a fairly uncommon bug and is listed in the known issues sticky.
This is more concerning.
Two threads today with Barb Seasonal players reporting unkillable mobs.
Not sure if coincidence or something has actually changed and the frequency of the bug has increased.
I am here due to this issue. I am currently at the end of a greater rift, and a monster that I killed before I killed the rift guardian has been killing me, not allowing me to upgrade gems or pick up legendaries.
QA, if you are watching this at this very moment… I am still in the game for your research pleasure. I am in seasonal Americas.
One of the things that helps the QA team is if we can point out patterns in bug occurances.
I see that you also have a Rend/WW barb, seasonal. Do you remember what kind of mob it was? Did it go underground or inside things? Lacuni and burrowers for example.
it is a lacuni huntress. I also noticed this bug before when on my thorns crusader with lacunis and burrowers. so it looks like you have pinpointed mob type for this issue. I should have reported this before, but suspected my lag time from playing from the train. This time I had no lag… so I decided it wasn’t user error.
Well, it is a very old bug but is normally rare. I have it in the Known Issues list at the top of the forum. From time to time people using various builds, run into this.
Today though we have credible reports of an increase in unkillable mobs specifically for WW/Rend Seasonal barbs.
If this really has gone from “once in a rare while” to a very frequent thing then hopefully QA looks at it.
I don’t work for Blizz so can’t do it myself. MVPs are just normal players with green text who are familiar with support and procedures.
excellent. So I do have a theory on it. It appears to happen more frequently when mobs are “one shot” in a mass killing. It may be that the state of the monster is only partially committed to the table, and thus a monster which is supposed to be committed as invisible, unable to damage, and unable to be targeted, and unable to be damaged - becomes only unable to be targets and unable to be damaged. Perhaps that perspective may help them look at the transaction histories to see if that might indeed be the case. maybe it is only the case for the leaping subclass of monsters - a bug in that class definition…
Though you aren’t with blizzard, I thank you for making me feel heard today.
About that…D3 does not actually have a running second by second log file for our gameplay. It does account save snapshots.
To investigate, they are going to need to replicate this at Blizz in the QA labs where they do have the ability to record data and troubleshoot.
This is all good to know, and yes it only seems to happen with mobs that burrow or mobs that come out of other mobs i’ve unfortunately lost several key upgrades do to simple fact i couldnt get mob to stop killing me, but if im not the only one that does make me feel a lil bit better lol
Hmm, I’ve been playing a WW/Rend Barb all season and have been running huge amounts of Rifts and GRs, so I’ve definitely come across large numbers of Lacunis. By law of averages, some of them must have died due to Rend bleeds / explosions whilst underground, but I’ve not seen a single instance of an unkillable mob for the whole season.
Just checked in-game, I’ve killed 615K mobs this season, so I would have expected to have seen this if it was due to Rend-caused underground deaths.
The concern is the past day or so since the last patch. I obviously can’t see what is going on, but it is possible we have an issue.
What likely happened is that the build is speeding through enough monsters to trigger the bug more frequently than other builds that go through them at a slower pace. That is likely skewing the bug’s prevalence by a fair bit. On my UE DH I haven’t run into the bug for several seasons. Unless there is a specific issue with Rend/WW, the bug likely hasn’t changed, but is just being triggered more frequently due to the speed of the build.
This issue is still occurring and I have experienced it throughout the Season 19 Barb journey. I have the Whirlwind/Rend build. The issue is random, but it keeps me from being able finish the realm where it occurs without having to die a few times. The ‘ghost enemies’ chase you around the realm attacking you, or your pets, until you move to the next realm. It has affected me in normal rifts, and in greater rifts. The GR deaths cost me gold for the extra stone upgrades, as well as my season progression in finishing conquests.
Is there any headway on how to fix it because im trying to farm for the staff of herding and several times now i’ve not been able to get loot off of Chiltara simply because she keeps going GodMode and being unkillable and yet can wreck my world… going to try farming on my crusader but would like to do on my barbarian
As I said, I don’t work for Blizzard. I have no idea if they have the QA team looking into this again or not. It was rare enough that they were just kind of ignoring it.
I don’t know what they will do with the new round of reports for Seasonal WW/Rend barbs. I certainly don’t expect an answer on a weekend.
ok sorry i missed that part thought since yer text came in a fancy color it had meaning … Well looks like i may have to shelf the barb for now untill they get it resolved will keep checking back and TY for everyone who has given feed back on this post it is appreciated, hopefully if enough people post about it Blizz will pay attention to it
It does, kind of, but I explained that here.
I can provide insight into process as a whole, but not specifics. MVPs usually have a point of contact at Blizz, but that person is not in the QA team. They are a community facing rep who does not do programming, dev, bug fixes, etc.
I’m too facing this issue way too often recently, since I’m doing a lot of GRs. I’m too playing barb with ww/rend and see unkillable monsters on every 4th or 5th GR. It’s very annoying.
Here’s a video of my bounty being blocked by an unkillable monster:
In my experience, the bug goes as follows:
- If your character can instantly kill monsters, like with a Wizard’s Archon or Disintegrate, and
- You might need to be playing solo, then:
About once per level you can leave a monster in a semi-dead state where you don’t get credit for the kill, and its health can’t go to zero, and your follower thinks it’s alive.
What’s really bad about this is that if the monster is a quest or elite, then you can lose a Greater Rift. For me, what got me to file a bug report, was that I was in the last stage of a bounty, when I was blocked from completing it.
I can confirm I have the bug too.
Now that I know what to look for, it’s always a lacuni huntress minion.
Loves to try and ruin my Greater Rift finish.