Unique mob Ebenezer Samuel

Oook, so ive looked this guy up on multiple search engines and pretty much got nothing out of any of it. Theres many people saying the monster had been bugged for multiple seasons and hasnt been fixed yet… then i see people saying that its all about the correct time and difficulty to get him to spawn. Ive tried adventure mode roughly 30 runs… then i did campaign, roughly 30 runs aswell. I chose t16 for both. This is not the first time ive farmed tristram road lookin for this guy. A Cpl seasons ago i also farmed for days for this guy… Can i please get a moderator or dev to please look at the code and see if hes properly implemented. I play on xbox if that matters… i also heard he was actually removed from the game… can i get a bliz employee to look into this please? This is worse than that stupid diablo challenge that cant be unlocked anymore do to removing one of those mobs… i literally have multiple challenges locked that can NOT be unlocked do to it no longer being a part of the game… which is very inconvenient, frustrating, and overall silly. The game severely lacks “fun” and “rewarding”. Making it nearly a bad experience just to attempt to enjoy it. >.> so much potential… so little creativity.

30 runs each? Seriously bro? Theres people that have farmed the cosmic wings for YEARS before they ever got one. I just saw a reddit from a few years ago, dude pulled 300 runs without seeing him, but you have to travel the ENTIRE road. Unique monsters are very low spawn rate. Similar to getting the gibbering gemstone, that monster is very very very very very rare to see.

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If you think this is a bug, it would be better posted in the console bug report section of the forums.

I have been playing D3 since it launched on consoles in early 2013. I have only seen princess Lilian twice. Both times I had invited friends to my game, both times two people got the wings and two of us didn’t. I was unlucky both times.

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Found him some days ago while hunting achievements. It was the rarest mob in the game for me, had to run aprox. 200+ tries. It feels like it has even lower spawn% than Lilian, but the difference of course is that you can farm properly by going down the road and resetting the game.

Apparently, it was a really common unique back in the days, so they changed it and now it’s one of the rarest.