Underwhelming final 2.6.8 Patchnotes

Yes, they are. Season 19 ends on Sunday, March 1st and Season 20 begins on Friday, March 13th. Blizzard applies patches between seasons, on a Tuesday, which means they’re going to apply 2.6.8 on March 3rd, allowing themselves a week to emergency fix anything they find issues with on live. There’s just no way they’d create a new build, internally test it, create new patch notes, get them re-translated into all the required languages, and get the new patch to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo in time for the console versions to also be patched on Tuesday. What got published yesterday is definitely what we’re getting live on Tuesday.


Per Season 20 Begins 3/13, the very first sentence says “Season 20 begins March 13, shortly after our next Diablo III patch”.

That does not mean at all the season patch rolls out on March 3rd. It might not even occur on a Tuesday either. Its says the s20 will start shortly after the patch. Gee whiz they had a patch come out on a Thursday right before the season didn’t they, even though usually its on Tuesday. But one cannot assume that the patch rolls out on the first Tuesday after the season ends, thats like s15, s16, s18 where you had barely a week. This time its clearly happening 3/10 or closer if they have issues, and the patch might be just like what happened with the lamination belt with s19. So being I been though all this stuff 19 times already lets not say definitely you are correct. :yum:

Let’s say I definitely am…



Things can change still. Your quoting one s19 post, and I another. The real question is anything rigid outside the s20 start date? Certain things didn’t make it for console last time when it started as I recall.

PS I don’t care how this plays out, except to the benefit of people looking for a good season with decent builds. Good hunting Meteorblade. :wink:

Good joke, really.

As if they ever did that.

They won’t.
Remember, only reason we had fun with WW barb in S19 was the through-the-roof sader which required another patch, allowing to piggyback the dearly needed Lamentation fix. This time they took the safe route which is nerf, nerf, and moar nurrrfff,


finally i end up asking myself why i wasted so many hrs testing H90 and reading posts and post on my own.
this is like a bash in barbs community members faces

richtig ätzend!


Well 2 weeks for S20 to start, if it’s going live as it is without been reviewed again and consider players feedback, it will be the shortest season to be played.

There is no point in playing more than 2 weeks. I prefer to play necro on S21 when its gonna recieve the new set, not planning to play necro on S20 and S21 as well, especially necro is the only viable option in speeds and in pushing and the most beneficiary from S20 seasonal theme, ( not another season of rat runs ) just to note I love necro but their time to shine is next season with the new set not now.

It meant for those new sets to shine on S20 but seems their candle light has been turned off, so I will grab the new pet and wrap it up. And will see what S21 will bring.

I look forward to play the new sets and even they are not top-tier, neither i am, so thats gonna be a perfect match.
If i dont like them, I can try Necro again, because of the season theme, so it looks like alot of things to do for us casual diablo- players.

  1. How should Demon Hunters feel about this patch?

Seeing how the new sets are meh, DH should not feel left out at all…

However, the same will also be true when DH receives meh new set and other classes dont feel left out as well…

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Well I feel left out… I would play game otherwise. I don’t play D3 anymore.

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DH’s are true warriors and I hope next season u get really an awesome set that would bring you back on the map of being part of meta like the old days.

I miss WD and DH in meta, so far we see WD had a nice chance but fail to make it to be in the meta even for one season, hope DH will have a chance to make it and be part of Meta next season.

I gave up on D3 after Season 4 because I was sick of how Blizzard is such a fail when it comes to balancing and pigeon-holing people into specific builds and items.

Before S19 I had the intention of coming back to play one final season. I was really looking forward to playing a FotH build with that new Crusader set, but right before release they changed the set into another Heaven’s Fury set instead. So I just skipped the season.

Now before S20 I intended to play a barb with the new set, but Blizzard-balancing strikes again and I have no interest in playing a set that can’t even compete with the older Whirlwind set in anything but boss-killing.

I just feel so done with Blizzard. Probably won’t even play D4 because of their track record.

I think what really tilted me when it comes to Blizzard is when they said that they don’t balance the game around single sets or builds, but instead balance on the average of all available sets for a class. That suddenly explains their lousy track record because it doesn’t matter to them if one set is over-performing and another is under-performing as long as the average number is in the right spot.

Blizzard’s logic is lacking to say the least, and I have more confidence in a random fan balancing the game.



Afraid that their new set in S21 will be garbage also. :worried:


I never liked the sets that were available for Wizards, so I never played them much. Was looking forward to playing Wizard this season, but it looks like I am back to WW barb and Crusader yet again. Boring, I’ll play PoE.

Let me be clear: I am not asking for a rathma nerf. If anything It needs a buff instead. Rats is just the term most people use when what they and I really mean is the Legacy of dreams version of the build. It has been & still is clearly outperforming anything else for years now!

The singularity rune on the mage skill itself indeed has a very similar mechanic to the Bazooka wizard. You spent all your resource to create an insanely powerful attack or in this chase auto-aiming minion.

Even with all that it doesn’t necessarily need a nerf just other classes should be brought up to speed and not cripple behind 10 greater rift tiers like the vyr wizard does after the nerf.


rip season …rip diablo… congrats make this season better than all…mouahahahahahaha

Disregard , he is a NOOB

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Spoken by somebody that has not cleared a GR150 group .
Fail !!

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