Underrated bot problem

I see a lot of discussion about every which matter of what could improve the game or not.

If Blizzards intention was and remains to basically make this Mona Lisa of a game, that so many have enjoyed and still enjoy after two decades play- and accessible again, they can’t do anything wrong with their current approach. Personally I think, they’re doing a fantastic job thus far.

However, the single most devastating problem that can and will ruin the game, just like the original, are the bots.

The uniqueness and rarity of loot is lastly, what makes the treasure hunting in the most favourable environment so rewarding and what has made it enduring.

The problem here is, that blizzard makes so much profit, selling new keys after each ban wave.

If we players don’t stress this as priority, I fear it will fall under the table and the game will just be as unplayable as the current one. New graphics won’t change anything on that.


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