Unable to access my profile


Blizzard has been trying to migrate its Diablo 3 web pages to diablo3.blizzard.com ; there’s a post by Blizzard here:

This migration is not without issues and, for now, it looks like the web pages are available both on us.diablo3.com and diablo3.blizzard.com. As a consequence, your web profiles are “available” at two different addresses…

I say “available” (in quotes) because it looks like the web profile on the diablo3.blizzard.com is not working currently. You could save these 2 addresses as bookmarks in your browser… that way, you don’t have to go looking for them – that’s what I do. Use one version and see if it works; if it doesn’t, go to the other one.

Also, the access to the web profiles has been having difficulties (to stay polite)… sometimes it works, others it doesn’t. Nothing we can do about it, we just have to wait for Blizzard to figure it out.

Good luck in your games !

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