Ultrawide Screen Black Bars? Realy?

I don’t get how there are so many other solutions than to use the black bars. For them to still use the black bars will just be a scapegoat. If that happens and there is no Blizz post before launch I will be refunding. They claimed a lot of things so far, I believe VV was behind UW (as was showed in Alpha) and it was Ron and Blizz that catered to the PvP crowd.

im sure here we have some ppl that work at blizz Introducing the Mentally Retarded Educational Film 1964 - YouTube

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UW support kills far more than pvp, it would even give people an advantage in pvm by allowing faster teleporting. If it’s possible to solve this, it needs to be done in a way that doesn’t give UW users ANY possible advantage.

it does not the tp range is already fixed to 16:9


They should zoom the camera in a little bit for ultrawide.

No, they should not. 32:9 users would lose a considerable amount of vertical view.

Again, simply hiding all interactable objects, NPCs, players and spells until they are in the 19:9 view (as is confirmed the “maximum” ratio they are prepared to push the engine to balance AI behaviour) while rendering the terrain is a fair and discrete compromise.

If Blizzard are not willing to invest in the development to achieve this, then at the very least they should ensure that the engine is not rendering anything underneath the vignette. As I have already tested, 5120x1440 full screen uses 35% more GPU resources compared to 2160x1440 windowed, where the viewable area is pretty much identical.

In my eyes, the development effort to optimize the game engine to fix the above issue would be the same (if not more) than if they were to implement the first suggestion.

This is 2021, we should not settle on band aid fixes for trivial problems.


UW Players should consider taking legal actions


Because you’re simply too stupid to exactly understand the whole issue here… Jesus christ man.

Funny that’s how I feel about you.