Ultrawide Screen Black Bars? Realy?

This is awful, if it’s not fixed before the end of this open beta I’m gonna cancel my preorder for sure


D2R Developers you have been naughty you have to be punished you suck my monkey

No need for Black Bars in general. If my aim sucks and I miss I’m just gonna miss and see it for longer and be reminded of the trash I am. Lmao

bigger the better
yes i said it

wth, I recently bought a widescreen monitor just for this game. Ultrawide was supported during the alpha. I am loving the game, graphics look fantastic but why remove ultrawide support?


The reason this happened is because the little children in this thread complained about it.


Since when does D3 have a PvP community? :joy:


The little children could be your dad and is a D2 veteran.

If you don’t realise how game breaking Ultra Wide can be for this game without setting a limit then i’m sorry for you.

Also lof of streamers reported this issue to Blizzard.

Here Coooley:



There was never an argument about whether there is an advantage or not but rather there are BETTER ways to solve it. You could limit mouse clicks in a 16:9 aspect ratio, you could introduce the black bars once a person instigates hostile mode. Instead you cry babies just wanted a blanket crop. And as for the dad comment, I could be old enough to be your father as well you never know.

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I’m not blizzard buddy.

I suggested many changes to solve this such as :

  • Wide screen support for Single player only. Then people with wide screen can still enjoy it even if it’s totaly game breaking even in PvM (players vs monsters) since monsters AI doesnt work that far. You can see and hit them without being on their AI range.

  • Wide support for multiplayer also but once you get hosted it appears a “fog of war” and mouse is locked to 16:9 (ex https://i.imgur.com/gVeiyX8.jpg)

  • Wide screen with Locking screen and add bars (limit it to 16:9) : https://imgur.com/hG2tXU1

  • Wide screen zoomed : https://i.imgur.com/RuufYwR.png

Don’t cry on me.


Or…its been disabled due to beta build limitations.
The none bnet multiplayer support was also cut, but not due forum users.

Personally i think its just been locked out of the beta build for some back end reason, rather than it being cut altogether.

It may be it has been cut…or never intended for multiplayer to begin with…but I think it silly to believe its been deliberately removed at short notice due to a vocal minority posting a few threads on the subject. Lets be real…for every user saying it was an issue, there was a counter saying it wasnt. Do you really think the developers would act to stealth cut a feature based on some toing and froing? That would be silly.

I never said you were nor did I specifically call you out as being one of the children in that thread you made valid points but instead for some reason you felt the reason to come up and defend yourself lol. Insecurities aside you already mentioned many possible solutions that could have made both sides happy but instead blizzard decided to do what they did and now we are rightfully angry about it.

Yes it is horrendous and a game breaker for me. It is however great on XBOX so may just ask for a PC refund if it is not fixed by launch and stick to XBOX.

We all hope so and all they have to do is come out and say something about it. Its not hard to put out a tweet saying hey we temporarily disabled this feature until we find a better solution just heads up guys.

“The reason this happened is because the little children in this thread complained about it.”

? I was called out the little children. :face_with_monocle:

Blizzard choose the easiest way to fix it imo.

yeah I was really bummed out when I saw the black bars when I started playing earlier. At least don’t remove the ultrawide support for single player. This just ruins the experience.

You can read it whichever way you want buddy I specifically meant the people that were just saying that everyone should be cropped to 16:9. But if you want to consider yourself to be a part of that group go for it.

And yes blizzard did choose the easiest way to fix it which isn’t the right way by alienating all the gamers with ultrawide monitors. We might not be many but many of us bought and preordered based on proper ultrawide support that was shown with the alpha.


^ This, if they’d said no Ultrawide i wouldnt be here at all. No way im purchasing a graphical Remaster and it beeing stuck in the past for 40€ lol.
21:9 is just totaly fine, i havent seen the Game in 32:9 and this might be a bigger issue but overall… like do 16:10 get black bars on top and bottom to not gain “advantage”?

Like what they can do is to add a fog of war by not rendering enemys or their lights on a super high distance but blackbars is just ruining the whole purpose of geting such a screen for gaming.
I dont see anyone complaining in racing games “woaaaaa Triplescreen Surround is OP NERF PLX” like its just here… making these changes because of PvP wich alot of people wont even do at all is insane.
If theres any graphical bugs such as Map not beeing textured on a 32:9 ratio then this has to be adressed in some way but blackbars? simply ruined it, did nothing apart from adding complains now.


Honestly, Diablo II (so D2R) can’t support Ultra Wide as people expected it.

I mean game mecanics are too old and built on 800x600. Already 16:9 is a big change.

You can travel all game in 1 teleport because you have a view from the moon… it makes no sense in such game. It kills all challenge, all the adventure itself.

Look at it : https://i.imgur.com/W0Pfl6G.mp4

And i don’t even talk about the imbalance in pvp.

I get the frustration of people but with such limit, the game is now playable and balanced.


You already mentioned a solution to this in your original thread. We don’t need to CLICK outside our 16:9 view it just pisses us off when we get black bars basically rendering our extra screen real estate useless. LIMIT the clicks inside the 16:9 aspect and that literally solves EVERY single possible issue adding ultrawide to the game could have for both PVE and PVP.

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