UE Multishot in 2.6.6

Someone always has to poop on the party. :poop:

By the way, they said:

That’s like saying “almost” competitively or “kind of” competitively.

You also didn’t take into consideration that some of us casual players compete against ourselves by breaking our previous records. So, we’re “competing” against ourselves.

(Just sayin’… )

No, you guys poop this class by over hyping underperforming builds. Where is UE on the LadderBoards?

I didn’t know we had “LadderBoards”.

And if I’m just trying to beat my own previous record, I’m not really concerned with the Leaderboards.

According to many posts I see on these forums, bots are cluttering them anyway. So, why should I be concerned with what I see on the Leaderboards? (Rhetorical question)

What does “pretty competitively” even means in that case.

Also I did not ask you anything but I did ask other guy. I think he has different definition of competition than you.


I’m not going to turn this thread into an argument with you. Haybaler was proud they hit GR115. Good on them. But, you just had to make a snide remark about it.

By the way:

Congratulations! :trophy:

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No I don’t try to mock anyone. I just don’t understand the mindset of DH community. We even made Rhykker think UE MS will be OP.

Edit: He listed UE as A tier build. And his A tier is 5-7 GR behind the best builds in game. Hype was real. People jump to DH forum’s and see that everyone seems to be happy.

I did 125 on NS with Impale but I still think that’s laughable compared to what other classes did with same amout of dedication.

If we are happy with what we can do, there is no going forward for this class. We will stay out of meta for 17 more seasons.

We as DH community are not capable of requesting buff like Barbs did.Do you see what is going on with WW belt nerf??? Forum’s are burning.

Last 3 patches we get nothing directly.

It’s a leaderboard clear, I’d consider it competitive.

Top UEMS DH in the season cleared a 122, while that is 10GR off the top for DH, it’s still on the board anywhere from 359 to 252.

Non seasonally, UEMS is rank 8 for DH at 128. This is pretty decent considering #3 is 131 and the top two are outliers at 137 and 138.

And if you want change as a DH regarding power, spitting on people in a thread about 2.6.6 UEMS performance is not the way to go about it. Make a post and get some backing. Bring some positivity to light instead of negativity.

Fix your numbers first and than come back. Or maybe just feel offended and say that I insult you righ now also.

Good source for info:

I’m looking at US leaderboards, in game.
I literally looked as I typed.

In top 2000 solo clears worldwide over all classes for season 18 rank #2000 was GR 126 clear in 11 mins 26 seconds done by Wizard. That website does not show more than 2000 records sadly

I know it was not ez to do 115 in season with UE DH. Congrats on that. But I don’t consider that competitive. Sorry.

We can agree to disagree.

I don’t look at worldwide ranks, I look at direct “competitors”, which are within my region.

Most of our ‘top’ builds with the exception of Rapid Fire are about 5GRs behind where they should be. Haybalers GR115 clear really should be GR120, and it would be this if he selected another class. That should be fixed.

I don’t have the high hopes for patched Squirts making UE6 MS much stronger, especially not for casuals. They have to revisit our legendary damage modifiers to make things right.

The crumby thing about RF is that it is so underwhelming in group play.

Beyond just number changes, I wrote a list of recommended items upgrades in another thread, I’ll likely dig them out as a starting point for a bigger DH buff request post. We can append, adjust, discuss and vote in a dedicated thread.


I can see where Pe3eWe3e is coming from, I don’t think he communicated it very well.

The Barbs, who are an important part of the META, and speed ParaFarming groups, are getting all the love because they are the squeakiest wheel.

They’ve created enough of a ruckus that a patch that was to introduce new sets to two other classes has become all about them.

As a group, us DH’s have some great ideas about how to improve the class and make us a more acceptable part of both high end group runs and parafarming. But we don’t work together to get a large enough voice to get these changes made. Heck, it took us forever to even get a post stickied.

I think DH’s play more because they like to play than to compete with the other classes.

And yes, a GR 115 is competitive depending on Paragon.

Back on topic:

Now that we know there is a new Era with the patch, I’ll push UE first. It will be interesting to see what happens when you can keep Squirts up on frozen maps.

I think that with the S19 buff, a UE and N6/M4 Hybrid will make a powerful 2P group. I’m looking forward to see how that goes.


ICYMI, Barbs just got shafted massively.

The ‘squeakiest wheel’ just got shouted down by Wizards who didn’t want to stop being #1, and trolls who have no idea what they’re talking about.

But I agree, UE is also not as strong as it should be.

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“Competitive” is such a subjective and loose fitting term for a game like D3 with no pro scene.

People sometimes are just happy to be able to beat a personal goal with a build of their choice and what they feel is “competitive” for them, and there’s nothing wrong with that considering that’s how the game was designed. I don’t think anyone is intentionally hyping builds by posting what works for them and what they were able to do. Of course we’d all like to see more of our builds scale better to the likes of a few other classes and many vets here have created threads with consolidated info for feedback on the class.

Some things go through, most don’t. We have no idea where blizzard gets their “balance inspiration” and have no evidence to suggest that “casuals” hold classes back.

Blizzard may make many (many is an understatement) questionable decisions, but as crazy as it may sounds, they aren’t stupid. CC3 is a perfect example if one really really thinks about.


Since starting to play DH, UE MS has been my favorite build, but it’s still woefully underpowered compared to just about anything else we have. Before CC I would struggle to hit 100…I just did a 112 with time to spare…to me that’s an accomplishment since I have previously been forced to play Hybrid to hit my top of 115. Hoping with better gear I can get UE there too.

I don’t give a rats behind about leaderboards that are full of bots and guys that are 2-8k higher in paragon than I’ll ever have time to reach.

Plus I’m bummed about the barb nerf since I wanted to roll a barb alt in S19.

Maybe we’ll get lucky with some stealth buffs to things when it’s “our time” for new set like the Crusaders who will likely hit 150 solo by the end of the week with their new set…

Yeah i know how it goes. I just try to compete in my paragon category. Its best to just have fun.

That said, I think I’m rank 1 solo DH in the sub 2600 category at the moment lol.


I do that. Yesterday as the Era was ending I counted how many were ahead of me with less para than I. Not very many :slight_smile: Was also kinda cool when I was the highest Cold Hybrid on the board.

What tier does UE clear these days? Haven’t been watching in a while

Top UEMS DH in the season cleared a 122 on US servers.