Trading was removed from D3. The game is boring as a result. Botting rampant. D4 suggestion

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It sounds like you haven’t played D3 in a while. The seasonal starting set is just that - what gets you started. From there you will want to replace each slot with an ancient equivalent, then augment, and gods willing get a primal ancient. Hopefully the rolls are good.
Then there are the complementary legendaries, their ancients and primals.

After that there are 3 other sets to collect, with their ancients and primals. And they also have complementary legendaries.

Augments start off as small boosts then become larger as you gear up. Truly they are the ultimate show of commitment.

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Trading is okay, but absolutely do not allow a centralized trading system. Then the game becomes less about finding loot from the dead bodies of your enemies and more about praying for a money drop and finding your loot at Walmart. That is something we learned about the D3 release.

(post deleted by author)

Implying Blizzard actually enforces their ToS/EULA on this game lol, great joke.

Not entirely. The game was watered down in stages after Blizzard’s stake in the profit of selling items was lost. It didn’t matter to them when they were getting a cut of the money. But soon as they killed the RMHA they gradually nerfed trading until it’s to the point we have now. There is still a market for buying things, that never went anywhere, it’s just not as huge as it was before.

Again, third party sites still exist. The focus just shifted on how and what is sold.

This also didn’t adjust/fix things or do anything for the better of the game. Removing trade and watering down items to a super simplified and forced-meta setup completely removed one of the biggest aspects of Diablo, an ARPG. The hunt for items is a major aspect of an ARPG and currently, where Diablo 3 is now, that doesn’t exist. Drops are so simplified. Slots are designed to to roll stats/sockets guaranteed. Metas are forced with 6 piece sets. And so on. This did not make the games aspect of loot better. It made it so much worse and boring. Along with the rapid change to drop rates, where legendaries were originally super rare to now they are unexciting and just another piece of gear. The newer systems setup completely invalidated every single piece of gear before it. Whites, Blues and Yellows used to matter in Vanilla D3. End game players were wearing blues and yellows, occasional legendaries when they dropped with good stats (yes Vanilla had it’s issues too) but now, everything that is not a legendary is literally trash/craft mats. This is not exciting or fun.

Then to add fake progression on top of that, we were given ancient and then primal versions of the same items. This again is not helping, it’s adding fake fluff to the game, and even Blizzard is now agreeing that was a bad choice and do not want to repeat it. (See the latest Diablo 4 blog post.)

There was a reason trading was massively popular in D2 and is huge in PoE. It’s because the itemization in both of those games are designed well to give reason and purpose to trade. Diablo 3’s current system has none of it.

Notice how you said you, yourself are going to make a new char? That completely removed the element of community. It removed the element of sharing, working together, making friends and helping each other out. It removed a huge reason to ever bother talking with someone else, which in a game that is forced online with social aspects was a complete ‘wtf’ kind of move to make.

There is very little left in this game that gives people a reason to talk to others or build a community. Hence why basically every medium of chat related to this game both in-game and online are terrible troll infested cest pools. There is no reason to care about each other or build things together. There’s no care if someone brands you as a troll or a similar. It has no diminishing value to the person. The game has pushed away pretty much all aspects of community by locking things down so much.

Hate to say it again but third party sites still exist even with closed/restricted trade. There are still plenty of RMT sites for Diablo 3. Just Google it yourself and see. There are lots of aspects to RMT in an online game, it is not just about items or currency. There are tons of other means to buy/sell things related to the game.

Putting blocks/restrictions on the game to try and block something that is going to exist, no matter what, does nothing but harm the game.

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(post deleted by author)

It’s not as simple as just getting the correct item: it also has to have the correct rolls. The vast majority of BiS items have the incorrect rolls, so are not clearly BiS.
It’s not really even the items that matter, it’s what they allow you to do: push higher in GRs. That is the true end game, and there is never enough time in a season for it.

Items can also be augmented with main stat, allowing you to roll off main stat (crazy right?!) into another more beneficial offensive stat. That’s an added benefit of paragon, enough of it can change your stat priorities so that your new BiS target is one without main stat.

It’s doesn’t take long to get the correct gear in the correct slots, then its only a little bit more to get the correct rolls. But getting a fully min/maxed build can literally take all season.

The real end game is pushing for a new personal best in GR levels. That is what all the grinding funnels into. The truly serious players don’t even push seriously until the last 2 weeks of the season - they spent all the time before that trying to max out their build.

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Give ppl alternatives. Capping trade is not the right way. If some ppl don’t want to trade, just make an only self-found mode.
Let’s be clear guys: D3 is dominated by bots. Not allowing ppl to trade their loot is not gonna fix it. Don’t ruin the game for ppl like me that want to trade everything, like old good D2 days.
Just ask for a SSF mode or similar.

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It could work, but it takes a lot of development time to balance two individual game modes. Removing trade is the easy and 100% effective solution.

The option for this is just choosing not to trade. You don’t need a system in place for that.

It is impossible to balance a game for trading and non-trading in one game mode. Never going to happen.

… You’re literally creating a system for no reason.

This is the old argument about fast travel. If you don’t like fast travel, don’t use it. If you don’t like trading items. Don’t trade items.

Okay? If you do not want to trade items and want everything to be self found then go and do it but don’t come to the forums and demand the game to be designed around your personal opinion and wants.

Both arguments are bad.
Fast travel changes a game. Trading changes a game.

And why not. You and everyone else are doing the same. Of course we are.
Besides, I dont only want trading removed for my own sake. I want it removed because at the end of the day it makes for a better game for everyone (or at least, nearly everyone).

The thing is… Blizzard’s biggest failure is trying to please everyone. At a certain point as a company, you can’t be listening to every person with a voice because not every voice is equal. Some people have better ideas than others.

Blizzard needs to get a backbone and tell the lot of you to tick off and do something else with your lives. Now, I never been one to claim that you should just do something because the majority want it at that basis alone.

But almost everyone wants trading back, and guess what? Diablo 2 gameplay was not effected by trading at all.

This is only true if the developers change the game because of fast traveling. Fast traveling itself doesn’t change the game if they just built the game without fast traveling in mind.

This is what Skyrim did.

trading was removed from D3 > and people play the game instead of a marketboard. I don’t see a downside.

Agreed. I am not exactly asking them to listen to you.

Do they now?
Diablo 2 gameplay was not affected by trading? Okay…

If you add fast-traveling, in all likelihood you design the game around it.
And trade being added, without the game being designed around it, is likely not what most of the traders want. Imagine current D3 with trading. It would be an unmitigated disaster of a market.
Which would still affect both traders and non-traders.

Great response. 10/10.

I wish I could make a statement and not back it up.

The only “advantage” you got through trading is getting items you did not farm for yourself or having an option to find a really good item, but useless for your character, so you trade it for something you need.

But this didn’t have an effect on the game itself as you never needed high tier items to beat the game. You didn’t need perfect rolls and anyone who says that you do is lying.

This isn’t true.

It’s true for Skyrim, where they did design the quests around fast traveling but it doesn’t mean you have to do it and just because some developers choose to do it just means they’re bad developers.

That is a pretty damn huge advantage.
We are probably talking an efficiency gain of anywhere between 100x or 10000x, or something equally crazy. You simply cant compare trading and non-trading for efficiency.

Whether you “needed” it or not is irrelevant. Something like Enigma sure made most builds substantially more efficient. Which is what power is about in an A-RPG.

So, lets say Diablo 2. Do you honestly think Blizzard expected you to start from the act 3 town, and run through all of act 3, every time you wanted to farm Mephisto? That it was the intended gameplay?
No, they add waypoints, and consider that the gameplay experience.