Trading was removed from D3. The game is boring as a result. Botting rampant. D4 suggestion

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Which is utter nonsense considering you need gear for farm efficiency, and only when you can farm efficient you have a good shot at getting endgame items.

This is not D2 where you could use pretty much anything with the baseline stats you needed like +skills and fcr to get you to endgame.

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Im well aware of how the leaderboards look like, I was addressing “It should be 1-2 months to get that last item for your build.”

With the current itemization this kind of stuff would effectively discourage good chunk of whoever is still playing.

Just stop. I really get sick of this talking point. It doesn’t take hours to delete a line of text and replace it. Stop acting like coding is some how many mythical complicated thing that you need spend years in college to do.

Sometimes coding is literally just as simply as deleting some text and replacing it. That’s it. I remember an achievement in WoW where it tells you the EXACT opposite of what to do to earn it. It was very confusing and it’s a bug that’s been in the game for a long time. (I’m sure it’s fixed now.)

But to act like coding some mythical complicated that us average people can’t do it is ridiculous.

Trading doesn’t have to lead to illegal websites.
Trading doesn’t have to be time consuming.
Trading doesn’t have to be restricted.

I have come up with an anonymous trade matchmaking system that stops illegal websites from being able to operate but still allows people to trade items.

It’s not an auction house. It’s unfortunately not “open” trade, meaning you can’t walk up to someone and request trade. All trades are handled through the matchmaking system. But it is unrestricted, you can trade anything. No limitations.

It’s a search that performs in the background while you continue to play, until it finds someone who is selling that item.

When the system finds a match, your names are hidden so that you’re both anonymous. You communicate with pre-defined chat bubbles (like Hearthstone) and the ability to highlight items to show interest.

This system streamlines the process, making it possible to continue playing while you search, it stops illegal websites from operating, and it allows you to trade anything for anything, no restrictions.

Yes, it takes away the “social” aspect, since you cannot chat and you have no idea who you are trading with, but it is a compromise if people really are serious about wanting meaningful trade and economy in Diablo 4.

Silly me, thank you Mr. Programming Guru. It only takes seconds to build a game like the one that we are playing. D3 plus RoS only took about 20 seconds to create right. After all it is child’s play. It doesn’t take any training at all to be able to code. Even me without any knowledge of programming could code a game like Brevik has done the game called What Lurks below in 10 seconds right.

I am talking about creating, not changing or deleting.

Since it is so easy then show us by figuring out a new game that has at least as much content as this one has. Then show me where it only took you around 20 seconds to create it. Go ahead I can wait.

Also not all bugs are the same, some are as different as night and day. Some are extremely hard to reproduce so there is no way of tracing what is wrong with the game.

In conclusion it either is super easy to do like I said above. Something that doesn’t take any training or knowledge. Or it does take training and time to learn how to do it. Plus it takes time to create a game.

What an utterly predictable response.

Geez it’s not like I’ve never seen a response like that.


The biggest trouble with an in game trading system that could help with illegal web sites still has problems.

Its biggest problem being in game means that the drop rates for whatever is hard to find as of right now becomes neigh impossible to find unless you would take years to find it. So those that don’t put in ungodly amount of time or bot would be left with alternative gear that could still get the job done but it might be a real struggle to handle the hardest content in the game.

The reason why the drop rate would have to be abysmal is because you have millions of players that would have access to the system. Sure at first you would have a lot of items that would sell for a ton of gold or get them for other items. But in time when everyone got what they wanted the well of demand would dry up real fast due to over saturation in the market.

At this point in time it seems as the method that they have right now is the best that you can have. This way you can still have trading. But it still leaves us the chances of finding the best gear in the game. Otherwise you might run the risk of making players feel like the only way to progress is to trade. Trading should be optional and the best way to get the best gear is to find it or craft it yourself.

If you had a feeling that was coming then mind telling me why you make it out like coding for a video game is so easy it doesn’t take any time training for it, or take time to create a game to start with?

Yes. Cause that’s how undersanding and knowledge works. Lmfao.

I dissagree. If you are unlucky enough to find your jah rune, with trading you would be able to gather 15 ist runes and then TRADE your jah rune. In d2 I do this for instance by playing content, gather 40pgems and trade for 1 ist. And throughout the journey one vex rune drops, and you get really excited, because you can trade this for 3 ists. That feeling is totally missing in D3. So trading is a huge advantage also for casual players, actually for everyone in this regard.


Look, if drop rates are not tune for the existence of an in game trading system. Then in time what was once 10 million gold would be vendor bait or turned into crafting mats. I have seen it happen in other games like City of Heroes. When City of Heroes added in an AH. At first a lot of things were expensive because they were hard to find. They went from 2-10 million influence (gold). But in time they became vendor bait. You were better off selling them to vendors than trying to get something from the AH. The only thing that remained high was the extremely hard to find craftable enhancement sets that were extremely hard to find.

Invention enhancement sets that dropped at a rate that is worse than primals. You had to find the recipe in order to craft it. The very rare are the ones that I am thinking about. Those had crummy drop rates and those were the only ones that remained high as far as the amount of influence needed to buy them.

You cannot go against the drops of many players. That is why drop rates have to be abysmal. If they are not then you flood the market with the best gear.

Also I want to be able to find my own gear. I know you think that I in order to love D4 you want me to love trading. Maybe agree to the point where D4 isn’t really called D4 anymore. No it should be called D4: The Trading Game or Trading Tycoon. Where trading is the main focus of the game. Well sorry but I am not wanting that type of game.

If you need that type of game then go look for a Trading Tycoon game.

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I agree with you. They need to lower the drop rate of Legendary but give us trading. So if I get a really strong and rare barbarian weapon and I’m playing a druid, i could trade it for something I need in my build.

I really like your idea on ‘‘no trade caracter’’ with a special color. Hardcore name is red, no trade could be Gold. And normal player is White.

In D2 you are able to find gear on your own as well. I totally agree with you. It just takes more time and is rng based. Sorry for refering to D2 all the time, but I think it is a good example.

Now I ask you what is worse: D3 raining gear from the sky, or at some point achievable gear to trade for everyone within a season? Of course prices are going down, but you are refering to companies who flood the market, usually with bots, which is against toc! So basically you are against that, not trading per se.

people talk about botting and parralel economy like if this king of thing destroy the game …
Blizzard just want to have all or nobody will have nothing , this is a bad way to think , they will always have a parallel economy for game , like selling accompt .
Botting is a probleme , trade is not and u cant solve that with NO trade its just dumb .

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I was initially replying to someone that suggested an in game trading system. A match making system while it might on the surface look like you could possibly prevent third party sites. Still depending on how you set what you are looking to buy and the other side sets what they are looking to sell along with the price, whether it is gold or items. Then you still can have third party sites selling in game items for real money. That is easy all I would do is agree to a buy sell offer for one gold. Both parties agreeing to it would be matched. It could work with other amounts that are super low or super high. But for an exact amount that matches what the third party agrees with. The chances of other people looking for the same thing at the same price would be highly unlikely.

Also if you cannot set prices, still you have the problem that the drop rates for such a system would have to be worse than D2. They would have to be close to if not equal to what D3’s were when they had the Gold AH.

With D2 drop rates an in game matchmaking trading system would in time about 2-3 years tops you would see the highest priced items drop to vendor prices.

When I mentioned City of Heroes I was talking about a game that didn’t have things raining from the sky like this game. I am talking about a game that didn’t balance around the fact that the AH existed. In time everyone found what they were wanting for their characters. It took around 3 years for the prices to go from around 10 million influence (price of Dragon Wings recipe) to vendor prices.

That is why you cannot have the drop rate of D2 in D4 along with an in game trading system that was mentioned as a matchmaking system. Without lowering the drop rates to balance around the fact that the matchmaking system exists it will in time cause the prices of the highest ticketed items to drop like a rock compared to when the game launched.

Selling accounts are a risky venture and will not net them nearly as much money as selling items would. Selling primals would net them a whole lot of money. You would have botters out there botting just to find useful primals.

In D4 you would have botters botting for the highest ticketed items to sell for real money. Also they would probably get a ton off of selling gold for real money. That is where the problem is, players just don’t want to have to see spam in chat advertising buy gold for x amount of money at y website. Or buy your items for x amount of money at y website because it will happen in a free trading system.

The limited one that Blizz is going with is a good solution that still allows trading without causing the problems of the above. it also allows them to tune the drop rates of those hard to find items where players after playing long enough will eventually find them. Instead of it being nigh impossible to find.

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i dont understand what is the prob if some people like to bot and sell item for some other people who like to buy all their stuff on a site ???

Why do u think they did Market on D3? they dont try to block this system , they try to caught it for them , nothing else , we talking about some money i think i dont have amount …

But this is not a prob for the Game , we could have more item and the game would be more easy but nothing else , u will find game with other real mate and farm for pleasure and maybe u will not care about spam chan ect…

It’s like u want to stop the drugs trafic or something else …
There is the system and the D-system and u will never stop it

I think we loose too much fun compared to what blizz and players win about no trade system.
Trade system in D3 is horrible , u cant trade anything , its simple , nobody talking in the chat cuz nobody play to this game .
In fact cuz there is no system of TRADE we drop all item with premary stat , if i want to have a build with my fetish VIT / RES / ARM and other def tat it’s like impossible in this game .

I’m not for that , there is surely other system to think about detecting bot using in the software , they just have to spend some money on security i think .
It’s like dictatorship.

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Dude people who use services like that Don’t Care! If banned they just Rinse Repeat! Duh!:man_facepalming:

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They need to have an auction house and do not allow any player to player trading. Instead you list your item on the AH, and the AH selects at random a buyer. Same with buying you click buy on an item and it automatically selects a seller.Open trade will just open up bots/3rd party websites. If its all controlled randomly by auction house there’s no way for a bot/website to directly give an item to a player. This will stop all trading bots/selling websites. I know it sucks, but honestly i rather use AH then have a bunch of bots like d2/d3. I also dont like the clan warehouse idea. There will be tons of bots just grinding 24/7 feeding clans and you know how that will end up. If diablo wants to be competitive and fair to all players they need to cancel this clan warehouse. You find an item you list it on AH. If your in a party grinding with people it should be a dice roll for loot like in WoW, were you roll on the item and highest roll wins. DISABLE ALL PERSON TO PERSON TRADING. NO CLAN SHARED BANK.

The thread necromancers are on the move again.

Seriously, look at the dates of the threads you’re reading. The previous post was over a year ago. If you’re not going to contribute anything meaningful to the actual discussion, don’t post in the thread at all.