I’ve discussed how trading should work a great deal on this forum, and have seen many arguments from both sides of the debate. There’s one core idea that I’ve seen people from both sides of the debate agree upon. It’s the idea of having two types of character, one with trading enabled, and one without.
It’s possible that if Blizzard tries to keep to the middle ground, attempting to satisfy both sides of the divide, they will end up with dissatisfied players on both sides.
There is a way they could try to give everyone what they want. It would work like this:
When you create your character, you have to tick a box. Do you want to be trading enabled, or non trading (self found). Note that I do not refer to “Solo self found” That is something completely different. Trading option is self explanatory. Trading would be similar to how it is in D2, to satisfy those players.
Text will explain the difference between the types. If you choose non trading, your character can never trade; it is permanent. To balance out that non trading characters can only find their own gear, they will receive a boost that makes it easier to find gear they can use.
This could be through a significant natural magic find boost. But what I think would present a more perfectly balanced approach would be to make it so that that self found characters will only find gear their own class can use, and not other classes. This will satisfy players who like D3 the way it is now.
I’ll add some that people have argued they would like to find drops for other classes still, because they can transfer it to alts.
The idea is that players who don’t want to trade, and would prefer to find their own gear, can do so in an enjoyable way. This deals with the primary concern by players who are against trading, that they won’t be able to find their own gear due to rarity.
The other concern by players against trading is that they don’t like that other players might get ahead of them by trading. This is easily solved with this system. Trading and non trading characters can have their own seperate leaderboards, so they’re not competing directly with each other anyway.
The great thing is they will play in the same world together and could even pvp with and against each other. With non trading characters only having loot drops that their own class can use, it can be aimed that the trading and non trading characters will be balanced well enough that there is no problem with them playing with and against each other.
Preferably they’d play entirely together, even in pvp. But if that did turn out to be too problematic, seperating them for pvp only could be a possibility for consideration.
Just to be clear, I’m not advocating two seperate game modes. This is about having two character options, one with trading enabled, and one without. They all play in the same mode together. There’s just differences in how they acquire loot. It should keep most people happy.
Adding some new information. It might be better just to have a seperate mode for non trading players. I’m saying this best on some of the replies to this thread.
The trading mode would allow for trading, including meaningful end game trading. I realise that 100% open trading isn’tt going to happen. Any trading restrictions must not destroy the ability for meaningful end game trading, and preferably would be on the lighter side.
The sort of restriction I could see working is that that top end game items are only tradable once. There could be certain special uber items, like in D2, that you must find yourself. Mythic items could remain non tradable. Other top tier items, such as legendaries, must be tradable at least once. So basically bind on trade.
Bind on trade stops people from flipping items. It stops 3rd party sites from buying up stuff to re-sell too.