Town kill hardcore

My character was killed by a hacker with 20k paragon level, in the city.

The state of this game on the switch is horrible. Since the cause of death is not as intended by the game standards, can I have my toon back?

Player who killed me: Abel#5916

I had public joins closed, and he managed to enter anyways. This is very upsetting.

Hardcore players beware.


This is a well documented bug. Why it hasn’t been fixed, don’t ask me.

But as they’ve stated time and time again, you’re not going to get our character back.

Wow, what an epic fail in the platform.

What’s their history with confirming alleged perpetrators and delivering justice?

they don’t care. That’s the history.

OP, I feel for you mate.

How disappointing.

Given the community is aware of the state of play, what’s the precautions for players to avoid this?

Sell switch and all switch games that you own. After doing so, write a letter to Nintendo as to why you sold your switch/games and left their platform. Encourage all friends and family who have a switch to do the same thing.

This is the ONLY way that companies stand up and listen to their customers - when they lose a large amount of sales.

A class lawsuit might also work, but that is risky, since the US justice system predominantly favours the wealthy and big business due to its corrupt nature.

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I understand the campaign you’re running as it permeates many threads, but you might appreciate that’s not what I was going for there :wink:

Let’s see what others have to offer players to avoid getting into trouble within the constructs of D3.

op dont even bother at complaining diablo 3 in console is just broken, i have a few solutions, 1 dont play hc on console, 2 dont play publics so u dont get cheaters, or 3 join them

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Seems like pretty sensible precautions that can be taken here.

Play with people who can build trust with you and others

Avoid obvious cheats … like 20k paragon.

Did you think that because the state of the game is broken, you might be able to do a cloud restore to get your toon back? Also if the game isn’t open to public, you probably had them on your friends list and open to friends. You might want to remove them from your friends list.

Doesn’t Switch have the ability to restore Saves like PS4 and XB1? D3 on Consoles has offline saves.

Public forums mate.

here’s the problem though - the guy was on private game and they still joined…so obviously there’s a game join issue, or an exploit that’s open to the world. If there’s an exploit, it should be addressed and pronto. PS4 and PC have both have the hardcore kill in town bug in the past and it was addressed by Blizzard.

I’m just saying I asked a question and the campaign isn’t really helpful in answering the question I’d put. I had tried to be polite about it and in good humour.

We get it that you’re pissed at Blizzard and the game and your angry and you want to bring consequences to them and try to force their hand. This is likely a futile cause. FWIW, I get this issue with many companies in professional work, particularly the large ones. It’s frustrating when I’m forced to work with them… at least with games we have a choice… and gaming choices should be about where we have fun.

Please appreciate that for the most part, people are here because they are enjoying the game and want to share in constructive pursuit of it.

The OP does have a genuine issue that I’m sure is quite distressing. We can help others reading by learning more about what happened and see if there are any ways to avoid it.

If the OPs cause can be helped, great… though it may not happen. If justice can be brought, great… though that may not happen either.

I’m re-reading the OP and seeing public joins were closed. On xBox there are other settings like, Local Only, Invite Only, Friends Only.

Is there any way to mitigate this until Blizzard identify how/resolve?

Curious what the network settings were on Switch and if they can be tweaked to prevent this in the interim.

No, my reply did - “Sell switch and all switch games that you own”.

I’m an old fashioned guy - companies that screw their customers and don’t listen don’t deserve our business. Let’s put it this way - if you have a dog, and every time you try and feed it, it attacks and bites you. Would you continue to feed it? Or, would you say c’est la vie and leave it alone?

There is a growing number of people angry with Blizzard and this has been increasing over the past 6 months.

I don’t have a switch, but if it works like the other consoles, then I would say no. I have very few friends on my PSN friends list (major purge 2 weeks ago); I have appear offline set and I set my game to private. I don’t know if that’s possible on the switch or not, but if it is, and the OP had those settings set, then it’s an issue that cannot be prevented at this point of time imho - there’s obviously then an exploit in the games code that is allowing the join to occur. The original Diablo had similar exploits back in '97/98.

Given what the OP said, I presume he did everything possible at his end. I do not know if the hacker was on his friends list or not, or whether he was a total unknown. I don’t know if the switch has an appear offline mode or not. More information is required. Can other switch users confirm if you can set your status to appear offline? Can the OP advise us if the hacker was on his friends list? This would help give us more information so that we can direct him to log a console bug report properly.

Again, though, how can Blizzard be totally oblivious to the ongoing massive hacking on the switch? How can a company allow this to continue? That’s pretty much criminal in my eyes. I mean, if a GP notices something and doesn’t do anything and a patient dies, he’s liable for malpractice…why do software companies have a get out of jail free card when it comes to fixing issues with their product(s)?

You may have Public Joins off but were you in a group? If another member of the group has Friends or Public then you can join via them.

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