Torment difficulty level on Nintendo Switch

Briefly after entering The Vault every enemy became unbelievably difficult to defeat, no matter what type. Hit after hit and they would only lose a small fraction of their health.

If I change the game difficulty to any Torment level the problem persists, but if I change it to Normal everything is easy to kill again.

I have experienced the same problem. Not just with the Vault, but in Rifts as well.

I have noticed that upon creating a character from scratch in Torment I, I was able to defeat enemies with some ease, but after a couple of auto-saves the game got nearly impossible to play. Even after that, I would decrease the difficulty down to Expert and there was little relief. Even dropping all the way down to Normal I would struggle to make the simplest of kills.

Not sure if the Devs intended this to happen. I love being able to take a Barb and Leap into the middle of 30+ enemies and just rain bloody hell upon them (very satisfying), but now it seems that if I try that, I nearly instantly die. I thought the Barb was the quintessential brute-force character, but now they seem crippled by comparison.

This new Season has seen some (seemingly) radical changes to the stats and it has affected my enjoyment for the franchise negatively. I really hope that the Devs will reconsider the ‘adjustments’ they’ve made in this regard.

Used to be that I could level a Barb to 70 in a day (two max)… These last two new Seasonal Barbs have taken me nearly a week or more to level to Paragon. Seems excessive when I’m playing them the same as I usually would.