Top Tier List is out posted the top tier list last night and as expected Necro is OP with wizard and 1 monk build a distant second and the rest of the classes at the back of the bus. So if you’re NOT planning to play a Necro, this season is definitely a bust. Personally, I will finish the season journey and complete the Alter of Rites, then call it a weekend. :disappointed_relieved:

PS I think they should go ahead and delete WD. They don’t get any love at all.


I am gonna go necro for the first season in my life, will level with corpse explosion then work my way towards one of the nova builds, heard Trag’Oul is probably the best early on, then Inarius if I reach high enough paragon… will give LoD a go aswell until I have full Trag’Oul.

Will be fun… roughly 3 more hours until it begins (EU).


There’s no point to play s31 if played s20. There are few newer builds from then but that’s about it.
Unless you haven’t maxed stash tabs, there are more things worthy of our time.

Another story if this theme is combined with s22 theme, but it ain’t gonna happen.

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Oof. All those red down arrows. Lol


Looks like the stock market crash of 1929. :sob: Not that I was alive back then. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You realize you don’t have to do what Maxroll says right? I mean, if you cant enjoy yourself unless you play the top tier flavor of the season then that’s a you problem.


Since Necro is my least played class, it sounds nice to take it for a spin.
I don’t care about leaderboards, only fun, some accomplishment, and the portrait.
When I played Necro previously, it started easy, then I plateaued at a very low torment.
(So my going for it is not FOTM but a kind reminder.)

Which dex and str class would you recommend?
I’d default to resurrecting DH to farm and murdering a few more crusaders between forum rants. Self-irony aside, I hope I learned my lessons! :smiley:

Technically I can roll everything, since I only have the DH and a low Wiz alive.
However, I think I’ll only play a couple dozen hours tops.

This is a D4 season 4 preview. Rise of the Necromancer!!


Yes, I can play my favorite build or class I want, but what’s the point of playing season if I can’t take advantage of the theme to the fullest? I don’t like to settle at mediocracy. Maybe it’s a you problem?

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It’s hard to not play necro to start. It’s like Blizz designed & designated it official league starter. No one wants to play C tier build and have to watch everyone else grow exponentially more powerful in a matter of hours.

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Why can’t you?


Judging from your profile, it seems to me you never play any build to the fullest. I like to at least compete and not just finish the season journey.

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Let’s not get person. I think the point he was making was, why do you need that site to play to the fullest?

I’ve played some absolutely killer builds and I’ve only ever been to that site once, just to see what it was.

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Nah, I enjoy playing around with many builds and characters over the season. I’m definitely not going to let Maxroll tell me that I cant have fun because my class isnt S tier.

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At 967 seasonal paragons and 1570 normal paragons, I doubt you enjoy playing that much.

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You’re still making it personal. He was just trying to understand why you need that website to play your build to the fullest.

I think I get it. It’s like when someone says a build is fun because a streamer said so.


Idk, its to each their own, some people enjoy playing their favorite class, some people enjoy playing some thrown together build, and some enjoy meta solo or group. I think both can exist in this game or forum, no need to tell the other party how they should play the game.


This is extremely important - you do you and let others do what they want. It’s just a frickin game there’s no “right” way to do it.


Lol kicked everyone out of S Tier but necro, Maxroll :moyai:

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Is Necro stronger in season 31 than in season 30?