Top player Wudijo on how to save DI from quick death

Here, Wudijo, a top Diablo player explained how DI can be save from quick death.

this Diablo game is too far gone let it go out with some dignity


Yeah, been watching it just now. It’s pretty ridiculous how they gamed the systems towards the 0.15% top spenders. It’s like they don’t want regular Joe playing, just your average trust fund kid with a gambling problem.

There’s a good game behind the P2W curtain. I’m struggling to see it by now though.


ive said it before but sadly this is what Blizzard has turned into ever since joining Activision

Finally someone gets it. This should’ve been the sole reason not to play D:I alone. And not that it’s a phone game, and the screen is too small. And when we heard that they launch it on PC suddenly everyone forgott what a mobile game means, or thought it’s going to be different on PC. IDK. I thought everyone who changed their mind, trying it out would not take it seriously, and want to compete in the game, max out their character. All who opposed to D:I should have sticked whit their decision, because of how F2P works, not becouse they have poor eye sight.

oof when your future stream game tuns out to be terrible.

are you kidding? i mean steam isnt exactly known for being selective in what theyll put on their site but even they wouldnt go near this game now with all the negativity its attracting

theyve got enough eyes watching their sketchy behavour as it is theyre not about to touch this game with a 10ft pole

If they fixed it now… how about all the players who already spent 5-25k on the game…

It will destroy whats already ruined.

honestly id say they should have that money taken away from Blizzard and donated to charity after all giving it back to the idiots that spent it in the first place would only end up being poured down the black hole of the next P2W game that comes along

I am still not sure how much this will actually influence my joy. In part because I am not sure enough about the endgame to know. But for now it seems like it will be just as fun but just not the same amount of time because it is going to be frustrating knowing that your build is just not what it should be and never will be. So push your character to some level and see if you can do a higher challenge rift, get bored, start with another class and repeat.

Well he specifically said things that made it clear this wasn’t his planned stream game for long term at all.

Blizzard, how could you let this happen? No quality control at all. It’s the finance people who governs this release, and it couldn’t be more obvious. It might have been the coolest game to launch on mobile ever, and the nickle and dime-ing that infest every single aspect just turns it all into rubbish.

Shame on you!

Well put, as much as I don’t care about D:I competitive playing, it’s clear that many players will move away.
Battle Pass for $15-$20/month and the removal of the cash shop would fix the problem. In that matter Blizzard could have thought a lesson to other gaming company, Mobile Gaming have to be regulated.

simple they threw the development over to NetEase and let them handle all the work rather than trusting their own inhouse studio King which created mobile games like candy crush

they were good enough to create exploding chocolate bars and peppermints but they needed a game designed to aggressively market the popularty of Diablo in order to fleece people and they werent up to the task i guess

Screw that. A fool and their money are soon parted. They know full well what they are spending on and that the game could close up without notice at any time and they wouldn’t get their money back. No need to force a business to donate money from stupid people.


This is how you make money fast. This is how you control the perceived value of 5-star gems.

Ethical or not, hammering whales is the pathway to max profit in a game like DI.

The beef most players have is their favorite franchise was used as the theme for a giant P2W shop, which contradicts previous Diablo games.

I cannot think of an elegant solution to this without the players who invested thousands into their character taking Blizzard to court for intentionally manipulating the value of gems and exploiting them.

Really, Blizzard’s safest next step is no action towards all existing P2W offerings.

courts will prove to be ineffective because Blizzard will just say they arent legally bound by US law etc since the actual development was done overseas by NetEase and you would have to fight them in a chinese court to recoup your losses caused by it and who do you think they are going to side with a company that adds money to their economy or some shlub that was too stupid to read the fine print when they bought those gems?

Not necessarily. US customers purchased from their phones while in the US, therefore the transaction “occurred” in the US and Blizzard “purposefully availed itself” to the jurisdiction of the courts in the US.

again though its the word of some poor shlub vs a multimillion $$$ company with a ton of lawyers

Lawyers can nudge an argument but can’t make a court ignore basic case law. Unless there is an overrulling, which is unlikely here.

not anymore, yah, i know wudijo like a brother and this was going to be his transition to d4.