Top Diablo player Raxx said P2W whale destroy them in PVP

So one of the top Diablo player has spoken out about PvP.
Blizzard should relook at the P2W if they still care fie the Diablo name .

Wyatt should be ashamed of himself in misleading people you cannot gain advantage by spending money.

Also kudos to Raxx for not cave in to Paying.

Get a hobby, bro :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I rarely see Rax so emotional before and I agree PvP is absolutely no zone for free player to be serious about.

I myself also hit a soft power wall. The resource needed to grind to upgrade is exponential and I can probably be 50% stronger with another month and that’s it for me. This exponential cost system is by no means design for free players, it is just for us to try out the first few levels of power.

From the root, this game completely isn’t designed for free players, or moderate spending of 50 dollars.

Thanks for the free 10 hours of campaign though. :slight_smile:


F2P games require a bunch of different spending levels to be successful. The problem with Blizzard’s model, minus the morality issues, is it doesn’t really serve any spending level very well.

There are, practically speaking, only 2 types of players in Immortal. You either are F2P and accept the restrictions thereof or you take out a second mortgage. That player that is accustomed to F2P games and only spends maybe a few hundred bucks and gets great value out of it is completely wasting their money in Diablo.

If I had a PSA: Don’t be a low volume spender.

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this is not the Diablo we all know