To people people who don't understand the Immortal backlash

no they are not “stronger”…My 2008 quadcore q6600 would blow any phone today out of the water by a mile. Also, most phones have very little RAM (typically 3-4GB) and are non-upgradeable.


To me it is more than just being revealed at the wrong place. I will not abandon my PC and start playing games on my telephone or tablet. Even though they can be used for it I will not use them for that purpose. Even if they do get so great that they are more than capable of handing the game in question.

I don’t need to be playing games that much. Where I have to have some game with me at all times. I can do other things other than gaming.

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Still touch controls, still far from 40-inch living room smart TVs, still relying on battery life, …

Also, why bothering about an IP from the stone age? Why a casual and family friendly version of a game that’s mainly defined by long sessions and mature gothic horror? It all doesn’t make sense to me, however it wouldn’t be an issue if revealed during investors call, an E3 or similar event, and didn’t tease it for months to an audience who was expecting another completely different thing.

You can’t pretend making an event for fans that’s built around a casual game. There’s a reason why there’s no CandyCrush-con. Even Allen Adham accepted that they expected backlash because of Immortal’s reveal, so they knew they weren’t acting properly.

And, as I always say, I think that Immortal reveal was a bad idea, but it’s far from being the most annoying thing they did regarding it, as it pales in comparison with what they did right after that: media management and attempts of rewriting the story. It was declaring a war against their own customers.

Don’t expect people to ditch their PC’s or consoles that are their main platform that they have chosen to play games on just because you relate to them being from the stone age. They won’t ditch them for that reason at all. More so if they built their new PC themselves like I did about three months ago.

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I always laugh at that phrase anytime I hear it.

Unless it involves a soldering iron, y’all didn’t build :poop:

Me? I’ve Only built the 8k upgrade for TRS-80 Model 1.

Yeah. I know what you mean. :rofl:

Who’s “we”? Speak for yourself.

Also, the Immortal backlash was like what… 2 years ago?

No, the problem was, that they hyped the player base with the “multiple projects in the works” video in order to trick as many Diablo fans as possible to go to BlizzCon back in 2018…
And when they realized, that D4 is not ready to be shown, they tried to lower the expectation via a post on this site, which didn’t have even remotely the same level of exposure as the youtube video.

Also, my hate for Immortal lies with the fact, that it’s not available for PC. How come something like Hearthstone can be played on the PC, but Diablo Immortal cannot?

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I don’t think that’s just an exposure thing (I mean, it’s also part of the issue, but not only that), I believe that it was just too late for killing a hype built for months. And it only made a minority of people thinking “well, that means no D4, so either D2 remaster, D3 expansion, or even at least a spinoff targeted at the ones who were hyped”.

I mean, incase that the 2-week-early “temper your expectations” post worked as they intended and people understood that there would be nothing beefy for PC gamers, what would it change? Wouldn’t the only difference be that people would just be pissed 2 weeks earlier than expected?

Do not speak on behalf of others.

I would agree with this, but I would also add that there are a significant amount of fans in the Diablo fan base who were really turned off by D3 and are very eagerly awaiting the franchise to “get back on track”. Then during BlizzCon, with a lot of buzz, they announce what’s basically D3 for mobile.

For me, it wasn’t that we were getting a mobile game, I wish they would port a lot of their games to mobile, especially their classic games, it was that we were getting D3, a terrible aRPG, AGAIN. As in Blizzard STILL believed this was a great model for an aRPG. It was beyond disappointing and felt like the franchise was really dead.

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There are many posts asking to make D3 easier.

I think D:I will be right up their alley.

Controler support + PC release should be made.

dude. who said anything about ditching their pc?

this game will be great for when you are AWAY from your pc, we still gett D4 for our computers so relax

@ Hurzk Okay then you are saying that I am doing it wrong for not wanting to play games on a phone or tablet along with probably even be a console gamer as well.

That way when Blizz snaps their fingers and tells me the next Diablo game is console only I have to obey them and play it on that platform whether I want to or not right.

That might be fine for you to march to their orders but not me. I don’t have to have the ability to play games at any time of day like you and others. I do other things when I am not on the computer.

I also know that D4 will be for the PC. So the only way that I will learn about the story of Immortal is by watching streamers that would be willing to make content for the game or read about it online. I will not play the game regardless of what you and others say.

Me doing that makes me feel like I am becoming Blizz’s puppet and when they pull the strings I would have to dance. Whatever the next diablo game after D4 is on that is where I must go to play it.

I think that if I an others let Blizz know we are not their puppets chances are the next Diablo game after D4 won’t be on a mobile device.

Also there is a good chance that in time they may relent and make a PC version of Immortal.

To me a phone is used as a phone and a tablet as a tablet. Instead of trying to use them as some sort of gaming device.

I guess the next thing that will come out is specially made chopsticks that will be able to play video games. I guess you would go for that as well right.

This, unless you are Korn, then fairy tales being revealed at a concert just makes to much sense even if we were not there for it lmfao

This is slightly off topic, but most of my frustration with Blizzard games is straight up that they are cutting costs at every level and it is leading to low quality content in return, or content that takes 3x longer than it should because they are only focused on shareholders pockets rather than their consumer base.

If they would focus more on doing whatever it took to make the consumer happy, the shareholders would make at least 10x the money they do now.


you are looking at things at such a weird way, like a stubborn kid who did not get the right candy or an old man who has always done a thing in a special way his whole life and now being told to try something new.

It was either only diablo 4 to pc ( fine ) or like now, that we get diablo 4 on pc + a BONUS game for phones (great).

thats what this is, simple more diablo. wich i am sure will lead to only more diablo content in the future. they wont diss PC gaming, there is not one single downside to having MORE diablo content, MORE people who will discover diablo and buy it for PC aswell.

Mobiles are nowdays made and marked for gaming aswell… phones 20 years ago had games on them aswell this is not a new thing. some people get so stuck on that a phone is only a phone, what dont you do other stuffs than calling someone on it at all?

we had game boys that blizzard made games for in the 90s, that is now nintendo switch and phones.

You dont have to try it, but it is in no way a BAD thing that we get MORE diablo.

Some people will love “Diablo” Candy Crush.
Just another pay to win phone app to diddle with while on the toilet.
The future of gaming is here!
Dont you have credit cards?

And there are far more people who play mobile games and have never spent one cent on them. Sure people do, but why does it bother you that some people have enough disposable income to spend how they like?

Alpha players are already getting “Immortal Neck”.

Yup need more excuse to get your spine out of shape.

To be honest, I would be genuinely surprised if anyone who is a working adult doesn’t have a credit card and smartphone today.

I don’t know how other countries work but in my country, you can literally buy in-game items in the mobile game with your remaining balance or credit of your phone. If your phone has $30 credits, you can buy items in the mobile game with your $30.

That is why young kids here can easily access the in-game shop in the mobile game easily and they can buy as many items they want as long as their parents reload the mobile credit to their phone.

And, no I am not from China. It is silly to assume that only China people like mobile games. And in my countries, the number of people having smartphones outnumbered people with a proper gaming PC. In fact, almost all my colleagues don’t have a PC or laptop at home, but they have like 2 or 3 smartphones and tablets at home. Just saying. In fact, finding a computer shop is a lot harder to find than a phone shop (they are everywhere) in the area that I am living at this moment.

It is ok for you think that, but you need to know that many phone makers are now marketing their new smartphone as a gaming machine as well. Larger batteries, have built-in cooling system in the phone, has game mode feature and performance boost for gaming.

49 here, been working at the same job for 32 years, still have never owned a cell phone. No need for one.

That’s the idea. Get them hooked on the microtransaction treadmill while they are young.