[TLDR warning] Blizz, please reconsider your streamlining of stats, character building and the current state of itemization

Chd, crit chance, cdr, damage bonuses, are all coming and more not mentioned.

I share your worries with character building (due to pvp), but the system we’ve been shown so far is way more complex, and this is just early stages of the game. I don’t think you’ve taken a look at all the gear from the Blizzcon demo.

They will have most of the same stats as D3, while having even more attributes. It seems they are condensing base stats (Str,Int,Dex) in to attack and Defense = armor. However, we are keeping many of the secondary stats and most primary stats.

Additionally, it seems we are moving away from boring legendary %dmg increases to skills, and receiving legendary loot that actually changes the way a spell works (technically just the d3 rune system). On top of that we are receiving +skill points, which adds a huge customization option. One of the commentators mentioned a skill can gain different effects with more points invested in to it. Instead of gem slots with very basic stat increases in damage/resists, we are getting runes to slot. These will give us even more customization to how we play our characters (no +all resists). Another new stat example is % damage to enemies based on range.

Seriously, if anything the gear changes look great compared to our options in D3. However, bad feedback and PVP (though I’m for it) will probably ruin all this.

They are on the right track. People here should give it some time to re-think the itemization if they don’t like it atm. They will when they try the game.


A MMO the right track. I wonder how much pays you Blizzard.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much just yet. Rune words, and knowing sets won’t define our characters is positive news. It’s still too early, waaaay too early.

Diablo 2 was a very easy game to pick up and play. Do quests, spend points, hit stuff and grab loot. I can see how PoE would be too much, but D2 was casual friendly imo.