Joe Shely
I wish them the best of luck and hope they can help pioneer Diablo 4 to be a game that is a worth successor in the series and pleases most fans. Give us fun actiony combat, yet the ability to play different ways (not just DPS speed machines), dark and atmospheric world, build progression/customization, monster variety and importance (not just fodder for DPS machines), and some awesome loot to hunt that actually makes drops exciting. I think we can all agree on that I hope.
Good luck, Joe!
Ain’t this odd that Quin didn’t get his name right? Also chat is damn crazy there. Calling him an intern and such.
Q69 is a 12 year old in a mans body.
oh sheesh…i thought that was the mcree guy who got fired.
expectations totally dropped, did not get a good feeling about this guy
Quin played FF14. Admitted that reading text/dialog in Story Mode made his head hurts, so he bought Jump Potion that allow him to skip the story mode to the end game contents. Play the endgame raid, didn’t bother to dodge the boss’s attack, and then get mad at the team healer for not healing him. Rage quit FF14 after dying few times at the FF14 endgame raid contents.
I think I’ve decided to be a skeptic until I see more of his influence.
Itemization will make or break the game for me.
The speed of leveling & gearing, general pacing of the game is important to me.
The game was headed in the right direction, now I wait and see if the game takes on a major change of direction…
this dude has not had an answer for anything, sounds so clueless. i hope it was just the nerves
Could be, I was pretty introverted when I was younger, working for Martin Marietta got me over that!