This "community" has reared it ugly face once again

Blanket statements like this are almost invariably false. The OP is not accurate either. I think it is best not to label an entire community based on the actions/words of a subset.

I speak for myself and no one else. I think that other people at times will post similar opinions to what I have. If you notice when I write, I frequently use “few”, “many”, and “subset”.

I have the sense (and correct me if I am wrong) that you feel I am one of those who only post opinions and feelings; however, many have termed me “table guy”. What does the tables include? Facts from Blizzards leaderboards that anyone can check. For as much criticism that I have received, no one has stated in column 3 row 2 your number was wrong. Rest assured, if I made a factual error in these tables, people would let me know. I have annotated some tables to reflect a class is being nerfed in patch 2.6.7 (Wizards and necromancers) and provide the actual data (and a note of an estimate of power).

I like facts and figures too.
See if you can find faults in these equations…

148 - 7 > 140 - 7
147 - 7 > 140 - 7


Enough guys. Let’s stop these discussions.

Lamentation will come at 0% most likely as our past experience shows.

Lets go back to our “toxic” forum and stay there.


FYI only:
Not trying to extend this discussion, but this one is in from the other thread. The person brought one of Don Vu’s post. Original link is here:

I highlighted the lines where the observations can be made.

No one has blamed a certain streamer for the nerf.

People have just rightfully pointed out the streamer is wrong and makes thing worse by making incendiary comments like he did and continues to do.


I leave for a year or two and this is what happens. I might have to return and start revoking Barb cards again.

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SillyDilly, we need your help. Your fresca/orange juice faux-gina is in dire need to soothe the masses of this forum.

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Everyone else calls you just “The Troll”


Get off the damn stairs.


Can’t revoke Barb cards from a dead end.

There are always going to be people that don’t understand why others don’t roll over and take one in the tailpipe, because that’s what a good little beta does. Right OP?

You won’t find these people trying to inject themselves into a productive meaning game mechanics discussion, those sorts of things aren’t safe for people like the OP. They will wholeheartedly climb on a high horse and call out others for being passionate though. This OP is a fine example of this disgusting mindset.

Grow a pair and write what you really want to, that you are glad barbs got nerfed. (not you Tune)

These forums can be toxic, not because of the barb community but because the members of all communities who troll, misrepresent, and gloat when something gets taken away from others.


blizzard always “balances” based on outlier clears like this and whiny children, u new?

The smartest people can also do the stupidest things. Some just like doing it over and over again.

We are no different, really. Always have that hope when ptr comes out with the right patch notes then gets the rug pulled from underneath.

This is nothing new to the vets around here. Just another rodeo