I have been reading and keeping up with everything since the “nerf” and I gotta say… you guys have really showed the ugliness of this so called “community”. Your paranoia and accusing 1 person of being the reason a build was nerfed is either misguided or just plain stupid.
A blue post on the old forums a year or 2 ago stated that clearing a rift or not means nothing they can still track all of that data. So even if you crush out a 140 and don’t finish Blizzard knows that data. So for the 1 person who clear the 140 there could have been many more that didn’t finish on purpose to contribute.
I also highly doubt Blizzard nerfs things because of 1 player. If you believe this to be true please find me a blue post or get a blue to post that it is true. Until this happens anyone who spouts this off as truth is just nuts and should not be taken seriously.
This forum and its “veterans” have gone off the hinges with how they are acting. I would highly suggest that everyone here take a few days off to clear your heads and calm down because you are making the barb community look bad. How fast you all went from never asking for nerfs to now asking for all classes to be nerfed is just pathetic.
Do everyone a favor and stop with the whining and crying and do what barbs do best. Pull up your boot straps and crush out another season. Otherwise find a new game and move on because seeing everyone threaten to stop and then they never do is getting old. I am personally looking forward to season 19.
Can you link me the blue post Dartok? Id like to see Blizzard’s official response to the Rend nerfs so we can all understand the situation better.
I keep searching but for some reason I can’t find it. Its really weird, maybe I need to update my browser or something? Obviously a lot of people have seen it so maybe Im just out of the loop.
www. diablofans .com /blizz-tracker /topic/68856-why-all-this-nerfs (this is as good as it gets I can’t include links)
They have stated in the past they don’t do snap nerfs based off one clear. This is the closest thing we have to a conformation on how the Devs use their data and that they have a target GR already planned before they release the PTR.
As for Pro, I am not even talking about a nerf in this thread being right or wrong but I am talking about your poor behavior which you just showed me to be right. I really hope you take my advice to take a few days off and calm down.
Devs haven’t been too kind Barbs the last four plus years.
Fluffy posted images of Lamentations in 2.6.7 minus the multiplier at Blizzcon.
This could just as easily been Mortick’s 2.0. all over again.
Nev could already have posted that Lam’s nerf was inaccurate, but she hasn’t. That tells me that it actually happened and she talking to the Devs about.
I am not saying the paranoia is whether or not this is real (I believe it is 100% a real nerf). I am saying it is paranoid to put the blame on one player and to say that had a big part in this nerf. I think everyone who got on PTR and tested this out has just as much of a hand in this nerf as did the top clear. All these “vets” jumping down on 1 person seems ridiculous to me.
Dartok, what I meant was can you point me to the blue post where they confirmed that the Lamentation belt is going from 200% to 0% in 2.6.7? Usually this is found in the official patch notes, its just the darnedest thing that I can’t seem to locate it them.
Also be careful, I noticed you shared a potentially unpopular opinion / viewpoint in your original post. It seems you could be opening yourself to being “ripped to shreds” by having a “garbage” opinion. Just wanted to give fair warning, the leaders of the forums get to decide if your opinion is valid or not.