This became my favourite class

When i played D1 & D2 the barbarian was the goto class for me as i loved melee and the barbs leap slam ability was awesome and a great escape abilty as well .
The i rolled a druid and loved the shapeshift ability and i found an awesome sword for him it was a flamberege and in warebare form it swung so fast it was absolutely awesome , my friends would laugh and the ask for a duel and were shocked just how powerfull he was as he wiped the floor with them good memories.

So in D2 resurrected i wont be rolling a barbarian first it will be a druid and i so pumped that its coming , bring on the alpha as im confined to home so 16 hour sessions will be awesome …


remember before they fixed it, you could make it so you technically fly with the barb?

I honestly got into Druid because I’m a Necro main, but the Druid can feel like a battle mage, more light side, counterpart to the necro, with summons and elementals. Honestly, and tbh I despised any Diablo controller play before this, but this kind of meta with the controller on the PC is a really smooth mechanic. Great fun to play.

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