Think about coming back and playing season 25 again

Sylvax has been on my Bnet friends list since 2013, and probably before that on WoW friends list. We rarely talk, and when we do it is game related. They have not been a problem as far as I can tell. Used to be rather active on the forums too in the “help folks” sort of way.

I have no idea what they want, just saying they have not done anything odd that I know of.

As for the OP, stop feeding him on any and all of his accounts.


Asking me to friend anyone is odd enough on its own.

I do not want or need friends.

Mouse everyone needs a friend. Would you be mine? Would you be mine?

Ahhh, rest In peace Mr. Rodgers. :tv:

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It was concerning the quote and non-game life, specifically concerning the origin of the quote. Figured it was better in a private convo than here. Sorry to get all creepy, as I didn’t mean to!

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