There won't be any new content or expansion

There will be, in the form of community mods :smiley:

But I do think the official d2:r servers should stay 1.14e (some desync bugs have been fixed, that alone warrants a new build version :slight_smile: )

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People are failing to realize that this game is basically just a graphics upgrade with minor QoL changes. Download and install Diablo II. Now, imagine it had some updated graphics. Thats what D2R is and is going to be. Suggesting or recommending major changes or game altering content isn’t going to happen. It’s a mask over the original.


[quote=“Zax-11538, post:10, topic:31695, full:true”]

Wanted what? Are you talking again about ploot? :confused:

FFA loot is not flaw, its actualy well tested loot system which works for years. Ploot would be experimental thing with unknown results.
[/quote]Why are you using a euphemisms FFA is actually First Come First Get and only the people using bots or pickit got anything, And half the time it was immediately vendored and the other half kept for trading

I am NOT for ploot, but tying rewards to a dps meter is one of the fastest ways to turn this game into work. It would suck so incredibly much to always feel pressured to rush to do the most dps. This would assuredly kill the game.

Just saying.

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We have FFA loot for 20 years and it fits Diablo 2 well as hard game. No reason to change working game system to something not tested under Diablo 2 game system which could have impact on social and economy aspects of the game.

If some kind of diablo 2 mod were running ploot, it would be interesting to see results, but I dont remember any mode or private realm having that. Probably because it was feature which wasnt ever needed by players.

Thats why I was so suprised by few people asking for it here on forums as I have never heard anyone mention it in my 20 years of playing D2. If cheaters are only reason for ploot, blizzard should focus to fight the cheaters, not rework core game system which works under normal circumstances and which fits diablo 2 so well.


[quote=“Zax-11538, post:136, topic:31695, full:true”]

We have FFA loot for 20 years and it fits Diablo 2 well as hard game. No reason to change working game system to something not tested under Diablo 2 game system which could have impact on social and economy aspects of the game.

If some kind of diablo 2 mod were running ploot, it would be interesting to see results, but I dont remember any mode or private realm having that. Probably because it was feature which wasnt ever needed by players.

Thats why I was so suprised by few people asking for it here on forums as I have never heard anyone mention it in my 20 years of playing D2. If cheaters are only reason for ploot, blizzard should focus to fight the cheaters, not rework core game system which works under normal circumstances and which fits diablo 2 so well.
[/quote]So you admit to using hacks and or bots? That doesn’t surprise me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Do you have some problems reading what I wrote? Where did I say I was using hacks and bots? I dont get it lol.

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It is not a few but a large fraction of the playervase has been asking for personal loot. You seem uninformed on this topic. Over the past 20 years, many have asked for instanced/personal loot. Even David Brevik has stated on multiple occasions that with the benefit of hindsight, he wished D2 had personal loot. Moreover, the reddit poll showed that more people want personal loot options than keeping the game FFA only. Lastly, Blizzard themselves knows that a large subset of the playerbase wants personal loot and even tried to determine what percent was interested in having personal loot at D2R as demonstrated by the survey that Blizzard e-mailed their players.

A personal loot option may not be introduced in D2R, but to claim it is just a few player asking for this is incompatible with the facts.

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Yeah and you got it with D3 and it did all the things you wanted it too and destroyed trading so yeah, lets not and say we didn’t. Trading is an integral part of D2. Make your own game get all the loot you want. Play with your friends and get all the loot you want.

David Brevick is just one person out of many that made Diablo 1+2. He is not the be all end all just a part of a march larger group. While he did have a large influence he was just one of at least 4 in that larger group.

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OP couldn’t be more wrong. D2R is exactly what people have been waiting and asking for. I attended Blizzcon 2018 solely based off a D2 Remaster RUMOR. Also, there doesn’t need to be a life time of endless expansions, that’s methodology utilized by developers that can’t create quality content to begin with. D2R will be played daily by the masses for another 20+ years until they remaster it again. Go back to the D4/3 forums troll.


[quote=“MicroRNA-1507, post:139, topic:31695, full:true”]

It is not a few but a large fraction of the playervase has been asking for personal loot. You seem uninformed on this topic. Over the past 20 years, many have asked for instanced/personal loot. Even David Brevik has stated on multiple occasions that with the benefit of hindsight, he wished D2 had personal loot. Moreover, the reddit poll showed that more people want personal loot options than keeping the game FFA only. Lastly, Blizzard themselves knows that a large subset of the playerbase wants personal loot and even tried to determine what percent was interested in having personal loot at D2R as demonstrated by the survey that Blizzard e-mailed their players.

A personal loot option may not be introduced in D2R, but to claim it is just a few player asking for this is incompatible with the facts.
[/quote]Actually you seem to have missed the fact I was quoting someone else there so I went back and emphasized text the quote so you could perhaps see what was the quote and what I said?:man_facepalming:At last PS I’m also one of the ones hoping for PLoot

The possibilities of their being additional content for Diablo II Resurrected just became less likely.
Vicarious Visions, the development company in charge of the remastering of Diablo II, is going to be working on Diablo IV.
This information was recently released by Rykker in his recent video.

So these major overhaul changes such as personnel loot is going to be have to be implemented at release or it isn’t being implemented at all.


A lot of people are asking for personal loot. That’s why Blizzard is working on other Diablo games with personal loot.

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why would people even think it was a new game?
I have never thought it would be anything more then just d2 reskinned. period.
there would they get that idea?


[quote=“SandBurger-11537, post:145, topic:31695, full:true”]
A lot of people are asking for personal loot. That’s why Blizzard is working on other Diablo games with personal loot.
[/quote] Too bad those :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: balls! Best example of that Diablo III the skill system while not as bad as it was still isn’t as good as Diablo II’s, And the items :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: as well. As for Diablo IV we’ll just have to wait and see :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The reason D3’s skill system is bad is because you don’t create it yourself. Every character is a mannequin with gear on. With D2 you have to invest in your character from the start, at least before respec.

Ironically, something else people are trying to change about D2.


[quote=“SandBurger-11537, post:148, topic:31695, full:true”]
The reason D3’s skill system is bad is because you don’t create it yourself. Every character is a mannequin with gear on. With D2 you have to invest in your character from the start, at least before respec.

Ironically, something else some people are trying to change about D2.
[/quote]Some people are trying to change that Some And you got least one of the things right about the skill system but not the only one, One of other issues is you can’t choose and enhance the skills chosen. Originally one of the things I was really looking forward to in Diablo III they were talking about runes and or gems that you could find or earn that you could emplace in your skill tree sounds great huh? Then someone higher up decided UhUh. Then Path of Exile decided yeah lets do that and made it work…Yeah I know Path of Exiles skill tree is complicated, It’s still way better than Diablo III’s PS Now it appears those higher up’s have decided maybe that’s a good idea and are talking about that for Diablo IV and you remember that old saying? Talk is cheap do it then we’ll see if you did it right this time!

Shadowcat, you need to have a new line after [/quote] before you start typing your response, or the quote box wont appear.


Super written :slight_smile: Totally agree with you.

Haha made my day. That is soooo funny AND stupid. lol.