There will be no lobbies on console!

Yeah most players enjoy the multiplayer experience more, but it’s good you’re liking the SP play. Hopefully they listen to what people want though.


I think a lot of people are jumping the gun atm. Although I do agree that things like lobbies, act 3-5 should have ALL been tested in beta play. 3 days is far too short for beta testing imho anyway. Should have been a full game, with a 2 week beta test imho.


Then we will continue to complain and just not buy the game if they don’t have plans on including this basic feature.

But I have confidence that they will see these threads and do right by console players.

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you’re going to stick to classic on your pc because console isn’t going to have lobbies? thats pretty silly man.

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Did Diablo 3 get backlash like this on consoles because of their servers?

I would imagine they didn’t, but I’m not sure

I don’t remember. It came out so much later than the PC release I was just playing it on pc, so I never really played the console version of D3.

Now we are having a release on multiple platforms, which is why it’s becoming a hot issue.

They know they don’t have lobbies planed, and I’ll bet they are starting to sweat because the refund train is going to make WC3R debacle seem like a day at the park. Which is sad, because this remaster looks freaking amazing!

I’m not going to refund it but it seems like in a lot of the lobby threads a huge chunk of people have already refunded the game or are trying to find out how right now.

I wish they made it clear what they were doing with lobbies before the beta. Like they did with a lot of changes they were talking about between the announcement of the game and the closed alpha.

I want this game to do well but not at the expense of the quality of the multiplayer.


Yet they ignore every post regarding this. They wont add it guaranteed.


Yes, multiplayer is a HUGE part of Diablo 2 and multiplayer without lobbies is just single player with someone stealing your loot.


It’s a 6 day beta. Last week was the same build for early access beta.

In fact, the alpha testing build months back for PC is the same build that was in last week’s early access beta.

Point is, the devs have not done much to change the game they delivered in Alpha PC, so I highly doubt they are doing anything to add CORE functionality to console,


I would concur, at least, based on D3.

Not at all. They probably dont have a pc to run d2r.

At the very least they could expand their free roam option to include multiple sub categories; for example

Baal runs
Cow runs
Chaos runs
Tristram runs
Tomb runs
Stat skill quest


I mention it too categories with sub categories and a list of created games inside would be enough, but that means game creation is a must have. And without Text chat playing with random makes no any sense. I never thought we have to ask for that simple stuff the game had before


Not a bad idea to start. Give us that and work on finishing proper lobbies. As soon as the Beta is over with I’m refunding, and will instantly re purchase with any news that we are getting lobbies. Like others have stated. There is no one to play with besides your friends, and at this point the game seems dead. I’m sure plenty of people are testing it out, but with no lobbies or proper chat support, it feels like a ghost :ghost: town.


This why there are 4 empty spaces on the Other section. They most likely will add games that were common in lobbies.

Here is the problem. The matchmaking system is matching equal level or close to the level of the player who ‘created’ the session.

So any powerleveling baal runs can’t happen because it won’t match a lvl 70 with a lvl 50, or even a lvl 80 with a lvl70.

Currently the PvP in Other doesn’t even try to matchmake you, it just creates a new session. That’s not how pvp duels in Blood Moor worked. One person created a game at some point in the day and that game session stayed up for most the day as players wanting to duel cycled in. 8 players at a time, ppl would join, leave, join, etc.

So not only is the current matchmaking not designed right, it doesn’t work, and no one wants it.


Yeah i remeber join game duel-01 and see many ears on floor best memory lol


But what about trading not going to work with just a trading game with 7 other people you’d have to join loads needs a global lobby or trading system.

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They made D3 like that so they dont have to moderate the chat. They just make it so no one can talk.

And thus, Diablo 3 sucks.


You are absolutely right!


How can we do baalruns? Trade? How can we manage fair pvp?

IT IS 99% not the game i loved… Nobody will buy it without basic functions that were in original.

And PC gamers have those functions! WHY? Why there is such discrimination ?

I have bought every game from Blizzard, but now i think we shall boycott this, sorry guys…for emotions…