[Theory] Auction House in RoS

He is just stating a simple fact that if the drop rates remain the same with an AH then the price of the items will drop so low that in time they would be vendor bait (FS bait more likely).

We know about “pity timer” - i.e. about “unintended” (by the opinion of devs, though it is absolutely intended behavior of pseudo random) behavior of random in the game without any info about fixing such “bug”. Also we know about cases (like one that was fixed, perhaps, in the patch 2.6.8) that can’t be fixed during very big amount of time. It is enough to have doubts about random in this game.

Rankings. Also data about bots (I know about existence of the site with their statistics). We do not know exact numbers of players D3, but we can easily interpolate numbers we need (some fans - and you too, as I remember, - provided such calculations and numbers).

It does not matter (problems with random), because PoE has trade.

I am about arguments for using bots by streamers. Of course, I know about another ways to increase sponsorship - for example, to be a girl or to be a pretty girl. In such case she does not need neither bots nor even top place in rankings. :wink:

Just ask someone about number of primals that can be collected by bot during one day or just ask someone about the address of the site with such statistics. After that return here and write: “I was definitely wrong”. Using of bots does not increase cardinally droprate of primals.

Some botters use up to 10 boxing bots simultaneously. Calculate the cost of hardware for this + the cost of such amount of copies of the game.


I said already - the main problem with AH-haters is the fact that they do not read the first post of this thread carefully.

You missed this moment:

other playes will fastly up the price of item to its true price.

I always consider their existence when I write my posts.
Also as I consider many aspects of AH before I created this thread.

Very good choice - to play in the game (or to do more important things) instead of to write something on the forum, especially in the threads like this one. :wink:

Why not? They can just play on one account by several humans.

Streamers can do this. Their stream = their work.

I also have plans to play WD in the season (on the hardcore) iff the seasonal buff will be adjusted as fans suggested in the thread I linked above (though I do not see any interesting in the new set for this class). Of course, I will play WD after I will play DH and Necromancer (by last two - on softcore, of course). And I will not play in the season 20 at all with the current buff because I will have exactly no changes for classes I like.

Good argument, but sometimes “small things have big consequences”. Like current buff of season 20. Fans suggested the simplest fix which has very big consequences (like popularity of season and activity of players during it).

Nope. In such case I would have very small posts.

I do not see “my deity” in the games without trade and AH at all. :wink:

We are about another AH-haters.

I fixed all these problems also because of absence of new holes of it that AH-haters can provide. No new holes = no problems. I.e. I really fixed all problems of AH. :thinking:

Yeah. I did the same thing. And now - in RoS - there are much more ways to do the same for making gold. At least for ones who have some problems with the drop and random.

We do not see this in the classic where droprate of legs was the same (higher) as droprate of primals now. Moreover, AH of classic does not have such strong limitation:

What are you smoking? I know perfectly well what I want. I don’t want extremes. Classic D3 was an extreme - a very low drop rate to force people into using the AH and RMAH. These days we have the other extreme where loot rains from the sky.

I’ve said multiple times that the drop rate was at its best right after the Reaper anniversary buff was kept. So I know exactly what kind of drop rate feels good, and you’ve got nothing.

Too bad your ideal AH is unrealistic and bad.

Are you nuts? How is it natural selection to win items based on whether or not Blizzard registers a mouse click in the final second?

I played plenty in the game itself. I’d bet I played more than you pre-RoS.

Actually, that’s why I don’t participate in the leaderboards. Cheaters have the advantage and always have.

If you truly don’t care about this, then you should be off playing pay2win games.

Doesn’t matter, we’re talking about players, and it matters for them.

No, you didn’t. You think you’ve got this great idea, but fail to realize that it wouldn’t work the way you’ve set it up because of other factors that have to be taken into account when you design a system. You’re designing your version of the AH inside a balloon, and unfortunately for you the rest of the world is filled with needles.

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Ah is not coming back. Get a blanket you guys. Why this post is active is beyond me.

Cigarettes, of course. :wink:
One you are talking about has no effect on me due to my great intelligence. :smile:

You forgot about primals (with your words about classic and rain of legs in RoS) - it is extreme. That’s why fans asked about AH and that’s why I provided ideal version of it for them (and for AH-haters too, of course).

Really? Look above. You are still wrong as before.

Yeah. As I said early already - one of the main problems with AH-haters is the fact that they do not know exactly what they want. Another main problem - the fact that have big problems with reading of the first post of this thread.

Very simple - one who is more quick (or sooner more clever) will win the item. Exactly, “natural selection” in action.
But it is not so big problem again, I just forgot to add such moment into the first thread, though I heard about it on our native forum. Fixed now. This:


And what is your problem in such case, if you played in classic MANY hours WITH its AH? I played 2k hours in classic (number from my profile which - as you know - do not count hours on AH, only in the game).

Strange logic, but my one also looks the same strange - I do not play in pay2win games at all. Also I do not play in MMO. In the first ones I do not play by such main reason - they have usually forced online while I prefer to modify games by myself. I made only one exclusion for the games with forced online - for D3 (just because I did not know then what it is in D3 - I thought that Blizz provided something like online in SC2). Of course, now - when I know exactly what it is forced online in D3 - I will not buy D4 (with its forced online) at all.

Really? Provide all these holes you are talking about. You will be first. :smile:

No problems. Take it. :smile:

I am telling you again that if your idea of one bugged must mean all are bugged would mean nothing is working as intended. And the devs have done the data mining and know that random is not bugged in every part of the game where random exist.

I was just providing estimates and what I think is possible. You have to remember if any bot site gives you how many legendaries per day have been found by botters. Then you cannot you would have to know how many legendaries per hour one botter can gain. Plus that botter would have to be doing nothing but farming legendaries, which is not likely due to the fact that when they do push the leader boards they turn off the bot.

Then you have to add in other players that are legit and I do believe there are a lot of legit players so that could mean that there are still millions worldwide playing D3 during the start of a season till around 2 weeks to a month into the season.

I was talking about bugs that haven’t been fixed in ages in PoE. That could even be other bugs other than random. It could be bugs in areas that have nothing to do with random drops.

There is like a guide on how to get sponsorship as a twitch streamer and it has nothing to do with ranking number one or any other top notch performance in any game.

Lets say that worldwide botters find around 2 million legendaries a day. That would mean that around 5,000 primals would be found. Multiply that by the days of a week and you will see how fast that builds up. Sure I might be using numbers that are higher than what would be normal.

But the whole point of it is that more botters would exist due to the ones that would be using the new AH deity of yours to sell primals for real money. All they have to do is make the deal of how much gold, or what items that they want for the item that the buyer buys.

You keep forgetting that you can always change the goalpost by editing your thread. That is no problem at all for one like you or anyone else for that matter. I still stand by my statement of what I did see in your first post was item for item. Besides like I said the likelihood of players trading with gold is not likely to happen. Gold is worthless, players can amass a lot of gold within a short period of time.

Plus anyone trying to sell primals for real money wouldn’t want to sell them for such a high gold price that they wouldn’t be able to move the primals fast enough because the farmers would find them faster than they can get them sold. So the ones selling primals for real money would price them a lot lower.

But still that isn’t gonna handle the item for item or your other moving of the goalposts of anything for anything.

Again you will have some items that will be lower and others higher than the true price. It happens all of the time when players set the price of the item.

I know that you don’t like what I have to say.

I had to take another look at the seasonal buff and now I know better. There are still only three legendary powers in the cube. I have an idea which three that I will be using but I will have to find out how good the testing goes not only during the PTR. But also when season 20 hits. Because I still will cube all items that was on my original list to see which ones will give me the most benefit for what I am wanting to do in season 20.

I just hope that D3planner updates its site to allow me to see the differences in the items that I intended on using. That might help out a lot to see the differences in damage and toughness.

You are blind so you cannot see the holes that you cannot fix. All anyone has to do as a buyer of gear for real money is make a deal with the one that he/she is buying from. Then use the AH deity as a one to one trading window.

It gets more interesting if you can not only use gold but trade item for item. Then you will see all kinds of trading going on.

Look even with only one time sell it still will mean that the market will get flooded with new primals with the current drop rates.

Fans never asked for an AH, Jay and company added on into D3 without fans begging for it.

So you are using Blizz’s quote of you don’t know what you want. So to twist it to your ends you are saying you AH deity haters want the AH back again. Look we know what we like and what we hate. Haters will not be wanting back something that they would hate. That makes no logical sense at all.

Look I have already told you of your holes so really if he says anything that I said earlier then he is not the first one to say it.

Really? Provide proof of this (direct quote of their words). They already shown their “skill” of analyzing data (for example, their table of classes in the article about patch 2.6.8). They even do not know what exactly they analyzed. :smile:

ok. 35k primals in a week by ALL bots. Say, 500 useful primals and 20 top primals amongst useful ones. For millions (by your opinion) players. NOTHING.

For that purpose there is the number of editions of the post, the direct quotes from it in this thread and blue ones that can confirm the absence of the changing goalpost of the first post of this thread. No problems at all.

ok, if you do not trust me and can’t ask blue ones, I will provide to your the screenshots of the Edition History of the first post: https://yadi.sk/d/hlhXaAc90feEOw. And what will you say now? Photoshop? :smile:

Read carefully the first post of this thread.

Your dreams, no more.

Yep, some deviation from the true price. Not problem at all.

Nope. I like. When I do not like something, I just ignoring this at all.

Yes, exactly.

Nice suggestion. I do not know why fans did not do this yet.

It is impossible (to use AH as 1-to-1 trading window), hence no holes.

Nope. Trading for gold is allowed to see the true price of any items with no efforts (just look the price of such item on AH). Direct exchange of items 1-by-1 is required to know and remember the real “price” of all items in the mind. Very bad practice.

You can’t show this even with your “big numbers” of primals by bots.

I am about RoS, of course. Do not be simple, please.

Your and his “holes” are either not holes at all or already fixed holes. :wink:

They wont bring back the AH in this game. They took it away for a reason.

I am sure that if you visited and posted on the older forums you would know that Blizz has said that the 60% is working as intended. They would know if it is off and would fix it. Also the randomness of other things would be drastically off as well. Why even our damage would be suffering wild spikes of wet noodle to one hit knockout that would defy all reason. The same would happen as far as the damage of the monsters. Sometimes we would suffer a character death on normal even though a person has a full six set with a full 50% damage reduction.

In order for me to know what would truly be useful I would have to go through each and every primal that I get from now on in order to study it for accuracy.

The trouble of it is though that botters botting for primals wouldn’t pick up non primal gear. They would program their bots just to pick up primals. The other gear wouldn’t matter at all because it won’t make nearly as much money as primals would.

Sorry but I won’t install another program on this computer just to see your link.

But to price primals in the true window of how hard they are to find would mean that the chances of players having the gold needed would be beyond what anyone could afford. So those items wouldn’t get sold. No items sold then the prices come down the next time those items get sold. Oh wait the items that were posted are FSs. Because IIRC you said that you can only post items once.

No reality, because there would be more people that would play D3 and bot to sell primals so that 35k a week would actually be higher more likely close to 100k a week. You are talking about making a lot of money and people will do it if they think that they can get away with it.

Let say you allow item for item trading. Then player A makes a deal with website B for a perfect primal Yang’s (doesn’t need a thing changed on it). Where player A will give him primal Haunt of Vaxo and maybe even have the stats listed if it goes that far. But a junk primal Vaxo wouldn’t likely be someone else would have so the player puts his junk primal Vaxo up for the perfect primal Yang’s and he gets the Yang’s. I don’t see how that isn’t like a 1 to 1 trading window.

Now if you are saying that instead of anything for anything it is gold only. Like returning the Gold only AH then it is a different story. But I don’t think you are saying that at all.

So are you abandoning your idea of anything for anything and make your AH deity a Gold only AH deity?

First of all I will repeat what I said earlier in this reply. There will be a spike of botters botting for primals to sell. Plus you would have some regular players that would find primals as well. Putting the power of millions of players worldwide would mean that you would find a lot of primals in a short period of time. Then after weeding out the junk the really good ones would still mean there would be millions in a short period of time.

You were the one basically saying that fans didn’t know that they were asking for your AH deity even before D3 launched.

Those holes that either I or he mentions are ones that you cannot fix.

Really? Where are the fixes for DH and Necromancer? No? Nice.

It is just bugs, no more. I know about existence of one such bug in the case of WD during many years without any fixes. And this bug has nothing common with random at all. Just bug.

Proofs, please. Moreover, I said already - these your problems with bots and their profit are only your problems, no more. Especially because they will provide additional items for AH and primals do not provide too much profit for rankings. So all your problems are not problems at all. :woman_facepalming:

What program are you talking about? You need just browser. :woman_facepalming:

Not post. Sell. :woman_facepalming:

Dreams. Only dreams. Without any tests. To see this fact.

I do not allow to do this. Because it is HOLE.

I said exactly this. Gold only AH with possibility to buy / sell gold for real money. Without 1-to-1 trading window at all. Only AH. 1-to-1 trading window is NOT part of AH at all.

I quoted to you the moment below already twice.

Reread this moment so many times while you will understand what I said here.

You are wrong. For that to provide top primals for all (millions) players you must obtain exactly the same number of such top primals as number of all players multiplied by the number of legs they need (say, by 13 - the number of slots of gear). And all your tricks and dreams can’t change the simplest fact that 1 primal is dropped on 400 legs on average and 1 top primal is one of some amount of all primals, so - for that to obtain tens millions top primals - someone must farm the amazing number of legs and your bots can’t farm legs in millions times effectively than players because their maximal effectiveness is in 10 times more (not in millions times more as you think). And you always think that all these millions players will farm legs only for you one. The set of mistakes of AH-haters lead to their full misunderstanding of AH.

Nope. I did not say this.

Really? Vocalize them. :smile:

Just because you refuse to see them because of your own hubris doesn’t mean they don’t exist, champ.

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Really? As you can see, I fixed one more problem you provided (sniping of items in the last seconds) without any problems and big efforts. Also as all other holes. So the fact you (and others) can’t provide another holes and argue their existence, means only one thing - there are no such holes (or problems) at all. :thinking:

I do not need to play with myself in such games (to deny the obvious things) because I am just solver of the problems of AH (one who provided the compromise between AH-haters and AH-likers to put a point in their eternal opposition), I am NOT AH-liker or AH-fanatic like you (AH-haters) think. It is the greatest your (AH-haters) mistake in the case of this thread. Moreover, I said about this many times already. :wink:

I guess then you never visited the older forums or that really is just a tongue and cheek comment.

The time for those two classes are coming in season 21. Who knows what lies beyond that.

Look I was using a hyperbole to teach you an important point. You were saying that since a few places of RNG is bugged that they are all bugged. Touting it as fact where, like in court, the evidence clearly shows it is all bugged. And I said we would see things go wildly if that was indeed the case. The game would be pure chaos.

That is a definite hole in your deity. They are botting to get primals to sell. They are not doing it for any other reason because they already have all of the gear that they need to bot for primal gear. And they probably wouldn’t have to play for too long of a time period to get there either.

The website says Yankdisk and no I will not add another program just to view something. Besides I don’t need to look at what really did change to know what is going on here.

If it is a gold AH deity you are suggesting then it won’t cut it since gold isn’t really worth much at all and is real easy to come by. If it is item for item, you still have that one day only once timer to go by. So the market law won’t work here. They will have to take junk in order to get rid of their items. That is what the Black Market would focus on. Selling a lot of GG primals for junk. That is even if you have a sky high price in gold to post such an item. Still that won’t be a barrier to those that are botting.

What do you think that if such a deity existed and I had a really had a GG Yangs and posted a price tag of 10 trillion gold that it would get sold within 24 hours. I highly doubt it, also it would be the same if I posted it to sell for a like exchange. Only botters or someone that has been playing for years might have what I am looking for to trade. Again that is might, so the chances of me being able to move that Yang’s would be slim to none. That is why the prices will come down to where it is doable. Otherwise players would be stuck with really great primals that they couldn’t post a second time again once and only once your own words from your OP.

I know human nature, if people think that they can make a lot of money off of something and get away with it they will do it. There is no testing needed to prove it. This is a me first world, where it is all about self. The love of the many has cooled off as one book puts it.

Now we get down to what this is really all about. A gold only AH deity which is what you really should’ve said in the opening line and in your title. This way there is no confusion at all.

But again I have already said the hole with that line of reasoning. Even with gold only you still will have those that will make a fortune off of selling those items for real money. Black Markets would find a way of getting the job done.

With your 24 hour timer you cannot accurately reflect the rarity in gold. Because to do so would put the price well out of range for the majority of those using the AH. I am sure that even you would understand that. Unless you think that you can find the best gear in less than a day’s time.

You are mistaken if you think that you really need top notch gear to be able to find primals. Not at all. All you need to do is have good enough gear to be able to speed farm GRs that will net you the most primals you can get per hour. I am sure that there are bots that can accomplish just that. You don’t need to be able to get rank one on the leader boards to be able to do that. I am sure that anyone that can put together a speed GR90 build will be able to have a bot run it to farm primals.

You said that they didn’t know that they really wanted your AH deity. You are saying that when anyone asks for trading in a Diablo game they are asking for your deity to be put in it.

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You are wrong again. I remember many funny things - say, holywars between donaters and non-donaters. Also as I remember much more activity on the older forums than we can see now.

I know. Nothing lies. :woman_facepalming:

I said that the game can have bugs. And I provided the appropriate examples. While you are thinking only by extremes - either no bugs at all or bugs everywhere (chaos). Very bad practice to use such logic.

And where is the hole? They can do anything they want just because their activity can affect really NOTHING (due to the fact that top primals do not provide profit in the case of rankings vs gear that can be obtained by top players from the drop without big efforts).
As I said already - it is only your problems (in your mind) which are not problems at all.

You do not need to install this program to view my file (moreover, even I do not have such program on my PC). You need just to click on the zip-file I uploaded on this hosting and to view the png-images inside it in your browser (there is such feature on this hosting). That’s all.

Really? You said many times that I changed something important in the first post of this thread and I suggested you many ways to see the fact that you are wrong while you did nothing every time.

Really? You forgot about such simple thing as amount of gold. Try to farm, say, 1015 of gold and after that repeat how easy to farm this amount of gold. If you remember (though I think that you forgot about this or even never saw this), there are recepies on AH of classic with the price of 109 (cup of gold AH). Do you remember the meaning of such number in the case of classic? Or do you think that items on the AH in RoS will have the same prices as they had in classic? Do not be simple, please. You will see on AH the full copies of prices like 109, but now this price will be, say, 1015. As I said already, AH-haters can’t see and understand EVIDENT things.

Forget about exchanging item by item at all. It is the HOLE. That’s why I removed this possibility and I do not need to obtain the confirmation of my correct actions from you.

GG Yangs for 109? Is it joke? Even I can obtain such amount of money without big efforts. Nope. At least, 1012 or even 1015 - donaters will buy it without any problems and you will buy anything you want for the same price. I think that you forgot AH of classic.

Not only these two categories, but also lucky players will have the things you want (you again forgot that it is game about random, pseudo random). And due to the fact that these items are very rare, they will have very big price and you - who sold your GG Yangs and obtained very big amount of gold - will have a choice to buy it (competing with donaters and these 3 categories of players we are talking above). That’s why your botters which will farm legs and will provide them for AH are not your problem, they are your salvation. Exactly, these botters are your (and other players) slaves, no more.

While item is not sold, it does not obtain the flag that it was sold. Evident things. For what purpose will I need to complicate the life of players? I am not Blizz-devs to do this. :wink:

There are different humans. With different nature. And one that is described by you is not the nature of ALL humans. :wink:

Nope. I closed this way. Exactly, it was closed at the start of RoS and I just did not open it again like devs did in D4 with their trade.

Players can’t set price above the amount of gold they have by themself. So if some item has very big price (which was adjusted by other players, of course), this means only one thing - it is the TRUE price of this item that was set by reaching the balance between the supply and demand. Market Laws in action.
Of course, rare items will have very big price which will be out of range for the majority of those using the AH. Just because it is RARE items. And the only way to obtain such rare item (without donate) - to farm and sell at first another rare item (or set of less rare items). Evident things.

Really? It is only your dream to do this.
I know exactly that I can’t do this by myself.
I had experience of AH of classic and I know exactly all its features.

I think that it is your own counterargument for yourself, because you said that rain of primals will be on AH while now you said that players do not need primals at all (i.e. you said something like I said already). Strange logic.

Exactly, AH-haters said that they will use AH - i.e. even they know all.

Nope. I said that even now players ask about features of AH (no 1-by-1 trading, functional of AH for searching items, something like price of items, no limitations on the tradable items - I provided already info where you can find posts with such suggestions) in the case of trade of D4. Though they prefer to do not write the words AH. So naive humans.

You were the one earlier making me feel like you were saying that all rng is bugged. I am sure you would know what happens if that is indeed the case.

They would bot for primals to sell for real money using the AH as a trade window. So that would affect the game in a negative way. You don’t want players to be able to buy items for real money.

How many have that kind of gold, 10 followed by 15 zeroes. And how easy is it to get in a single day. Again you have your 24 hour posting limit. After the day is up the item goes back to the one that posted or listed the item. If players don’t have that kind of gold and won’t get it in a single day none of those items would sell. Then add in your only being able to post items once and that super high priced item would mean it never sells and is turned to 15 FS.

You miss the point the botters would provide the items for real money. Not providing them for others just to get more gold.

Even if you can post it more than once it will still wind up the same. An item that cannot be sold will get returned until the price is lowered so far that it is doable. Now with the idea that you can post it more than once. This means that all the black market has to do is to price their items well beyond anyone’s capacity to be able to accomplish. Then when the player that buys the item for real money at the websites goes for the trade all that person has to do is to have the gold needed to buy it.

Look people do have the will to resist, go against, or whatever way you put it, their human nature.

But for those that don’t they follow their human nature to do bad things. While for the most part those of us that are law abiding citizens. There are those that are law abiding as far as the laws of the land goes. But if they feel that they can profit off of breaking the laws of a video game and get away with it they will do just that. They don’t care if they are negatively impacting everyone else’s fun.

The love of the many has cooled off. With mothers killing their own children. Something that was so rare that I didn’t even hear much about it at all till the closer we got to our current time period. Then you have mass shootings that are pretty common place as well. So don’t tell me that the world is a rosy place to live where everyone is your friend and won’t stab you in the back if you are not careful of who you choose as your friend.

Look market laws in action if an item doesn’t sell if it is priced well beyond what the majority of players would be able to get in a day’s time then that item’s price will drop to a more reasonable level. That too is part of a video games economy.

Items that don’t move are at a price range that the items won’t move fast enough to handle the amount of primals coming into the game through the AH. With the influx of items and the lack of stash space you will see either the prices drop (most likely). Or players turning really great items into FS.

No the problem is that they will feel forced to use it to compete with others. Due to almost all or all of the ones on the leader boards with primal ancient gear.

Just because some of the features are asked for doesn’t mean that your deity is being asked for.

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Funny how long this thread is, almost 200 long when its should be only 2.

OP: “I want Auction House in RoS”

The Community: “No! NEVER!”

End of discussion! Thread closed!

Contrary to pupular belief, the auction house was not the problem.
It was the itemization, the drop rates and the inconsistent manner in which items rolled.
It was also the artificial scarcity, which was meant to push you into spending on the REAL MONEY auction house.

With more consistent itemization (similar to that of D2), the AH would work just fine.

Zero understanding as to what were the actual issues surrounding the AH.

In reality, trading has always been part of Diablo. RoS is the exception, the inconsistency, not the rule.

And I know a lot of people like to pretend, that “RoS fixed Diablo”, but the reality is, that RoS is crap, it did not fix anything, and most Diablo players are currently playing other games.

If anything, RoS is more broken than Vanilla. Sure, Vanilla had it’s problems, but in RoS you literally have Greater Rifts as the only endgame, and the way they are implemented is stupid to say the least due to the randomness, the Paragon, the imbalanced sets and so on.

The worst part in D3, is that you can never really discover anything, because builds are patched in over time though items and balance changes, rather than a whole bunch of things being patched in at ounce for the players to actually test and experiment with.

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I repeat again: you think that “bugged rng” means “crash” of random in the case of all players in all situations while in D3 bugged pseudo random means the existence of such situations like one with “pity timer” (no legs at all during big amount of time) and another with recepies (no needed recepies at all during big amount of time up to several seasons). Both bugs were only in the case of some players. And this is in addition to your “gambler’s fallacy” with your opinion that anyone will obtain anything (top primals) for the sane time. It is not so even in the case of TRUE random - it works “as intended” (by devs) only in the case of large samples, but even in such case it works “as intended” (by devs - i.e. holds only outcomes inside the 95% confidence interval) only for 95% of people. Without additional adjustments - like I shown in my own thread here with the fix for leveling up gems - random (even REAL random, not bugged pseudo random of D3) can “easily” provide outcomes that were unintended by devs and their silly crutches can’t fix this situation because they just do not understand what happens exactly. :thinking:
Google and Wikipedia (statistics, confidence intervals, random) in help.

I already explained you that it is impossible. Moreover, I did not prohibit RMAH at all, so they can make real money (if they can do this) by official ways. They do not need complications with Black Markets (which they can’t use with such AH) at all. If you prohibit RMAH (trading for real money), they will just create accounts with top gear (that they will farm or buy on AH for gold) and will sell them. Exactly, even now there are resources that provide such services. And if you (and other haters) do not know about their existence, this does not mean that there are no such possibilities at all. I.e. you try to fight with the things like sunrise - the fact that you just closed your eyes does not mean that the sun doesn’t rise anymore. So naive humans.

Very easy. You need just to sell one GG item to donater or to one who sold out already such item or to one who sold out already big amount of less rare items. Remember AH of classic with its prices (say, recepies with the cost of 109). There are ones who bought such items with such prices. That’s why they have exactly such TRUE prices. Market Laws in action.

It is your another BIG mistake that you think that items must have the gold price = the amount of gold that can be farmed from the ground during one day. It doesn’t work that way. Exactly, 24 hours is only for that to provide the ideal (most possible) price for the item amongst all players that want this item. And the needed gold they can (exactly - must) farm from the ground by weeks or months or even years = i.e. the same time that they need to spend for farm of such rare item. Very evident things.

I never said that item must be POSTED on the AH only once - it is your another BIGGEST mistake. Any item must be SOLD only once. If item was not sold in one day, its owner will post again it on AH and can repeat this action any number of times while this item will be sold at last. Only one who knows nothing about Market Laws and their work, can suggest (or even to think about such suggestion) to POST item only once on AH instead of initial suggestion to SELL item only once. :woman_facepalming:

Really? It is impossible. I removed such distinction at all:

they (botters) do not have another choice than to sell items for gold.
And your dreams about ways for using AH as trading window are only dreams, because you can’t provide the appropriate set of steps to do this. Moreover, I already explained you while it is impossible (and you - as usually - just ignored this part of text; see above in my earlier answers for you).

You provided many nice things though you do not understand them by yourself.

  1. the price of item on AH (gold) is determined by the balance between the supply and demand - if the price is too big so no one will buy it, hence the price of the item MUST be its TRUE price (at least one will buy it);
  2. you think that only botters can provide rare items - it is not so just because of RANDOM (i.e. lucky players will obtain such items with no efforts at all + they can “easily” obtain several such items (duplicates) due to the bugged pseudo random in the game and they will post them on AH) and due to the fact that the number of non-botters is much more bigger than the number of botters (this fact annihilates all advantage of botters in the case of farming items - they have 3x advantage while its number is at least in hundreds times less);
  3. you think that botters can provide prices (real money) that will be much more greater than the price of item on AH (gold converted to real money) - they can’t just because no one will buy their item on the your Black Markets (that can’t be used with such AH as I suggested) because they can buy the same item on AH by lower price and WITHOUT any risks (you forgot very often that your Black Markets can’t provide simultaneous exchange of item on real money and it is the very good way for fraud - players of PoE can tell you about this);
  4. you think that botters will use Black Markets for that to sell items with the lower price than they can obtain officially on AH by some reasons you even can’t explain - nope, they will not do this at all;
  5. you think that any item can be transfer from botter to player (Black Markets) using AH - it is impossible due to these evident moments:


Money is just the piece of paper or coin. They can’t be part of “human nature” due to the fact that they were appeared very big time after of the appearance of the humans. Exactly, they are the part of introduced bad tendencies, no more. Moreover, due to the many beliefs they can’t be taked beyond life. And yes, there is even one sin - Greed - so the love of money is sooner the devil’s temptation while we are playing by nephalems against eternal evil. :wink:

I just provide (as answer) the video I like (intro of my main class):

“You always have a choice”. To do something or nothing, to lie or to provide only truth, to live in fear or to fight. And yes, “as long as I am here, they are the prayed” (AH-haters) “and I am Demon Hunter” (AH-haters / blue ones / devs Hunter). :smile: :thinking: :woman_facepalming:

Yes, of course. Market Laws in action.

Market Laws will put everything in its place. No problems at all.

Nope. They can compete with the same as theyself - ones who do not want to use AH - I provided for them this possibility too (one more rankings only for ones who play without AH). We do not have such visual separation in the classic. We do not have such visual separation now (for ones who play only solo).

AH is the convenient functionality for the simultaneous exchange between millions of players (only possible way to provide this) and when players ask about this, they ask exactly about AH. :wink:

One more player with big problems with reading. This is the goal of this thread:


Again dreams of one more AH-hater.

Exactly, I think that AH of classic does not have such purpose (forcing for using RMAH due to very low drop rates). As I think, drop rates were chosen in the same manner as they were in D2, but due to very big amount of players and with the absence of withdrawing of items, ones that saw AH some time after release of D3 (when players farmed already big amount of items and provided them to AH without removing of them from it) couldn’t perceive AH from other point of view (as the way for exchanging of items, not the way for their farming). That’s why we obtained in RoS significant increasing of drop rates with subsequent introducing of ancients and primals (i.e. with the decreasing of the effective drop rate to the level of classic) + it seems that players will have in D4 the same drop rates as we saw in classic or see now in D3 RoS for primals. I.e. AH must be just additional tool in classic, but we all saw that AH became Stock Exchange with its endless farming by some players.

Exactly. I tried to show this evident fact during many posts in this thread.

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Why is this thread still going on? All this back and forth BS about AH is completely irrelevant. The AH is not coming back in any shape or form.

Get over it already.

Just because devs returned trade (the worst form of AH) in D4. :smile: