I just noticed that in Reaper of Souls, we hear that the Pandemonium Fortress was built on top of the Worldstone, even that the Worldstone was ‘housed inside the Pandemonium Fortress for safekeeping’.
It’s more than a brief slip-up: the preview article about this area, before RoS released, talks all about this Worldstone/Pandemonium Fortress correlation.
Any D2: LoD player knows this is a big ole disrespectful ret-con, combining two very separate things for apparently no good reason.
Any thoughts/explanations? (apart from the obvious “Yeah, they didn’t care…”)
As far as I’m aware of, Diablo 2 LoD never established the origin of the Worldstone nor how it came to reside within mount arreat.
Diablo 2 never says where the worldstone comes from all along, nor does it indicate the function (except for assumed protection of the world from the invasion of outer forces).
Everything about the worldstone is explained in the novel The Sin War trilogy.
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Hmm, seems I’m wrong about this one.
Just figured since the Worldstone is so enormous in D2, it’d always been there atop Mt. Arreat. So, the angels moved it, huh…?
EDIT: …because if so, this makes 3 major instances of Angels hiding Stones for the safety of Sanctuary… and then having Evil find and exploit them. Doh!
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The novels (and the game, where other information is given) can answer your every question.
Quick conclusion: Inarius and Lilith stole the stone and created Sanctuary with it. The High Heavens found it. Naphelem strike the invading angels and demons back. Uldyssian (the most powerful naphelem at the time) set an obstacle between the naphelem power and humanity to prevent the world getting destroyed by such power. The worldstone created a barrier to prevent outer world’s intrusion. The Heaven made a pact with the three prime evils, which said that they should just leaven humans alone, which was later violated by the demons (the main storyline in D1 and D2).
Hmm, thanks. We have a family copy of the novels anthology, but I’ve never actually delved in… I was thinking, it’s entirely possible that the Worldstone inhabited the Pandemonium Fortress and Arreat Summit at the same time - it was, after all, a mysterious phenomenon of interdimensional qualities, a binding power between worlds mortal, angelic, and demonic.
Interesting that Diablo: Immortal is using its shards as a story device, so it seems.