The Rainbow Portrait!

So, I’ve spent days, and days farming for the Rainbow Portrait. It finally dropped. :metal:
I now have the 3 rarest items (imo). The Cosmic Butterfly wings, The Rainbow Portrait, and Liv Moore pet. < pet maybe argued :stuck_out_tongue:

Now the reason for this post. These white item scrolls need a Big Icon on the map. I did this farming on the crusader horsey build, sprint as lightning rains. Excellent build, extremely fast. I didn’t notice the white item drop, would have missed it but backtracked to the undiscovered corner of the map. Tired and half falling asleep I was standing in front of it waiting for my pet to vacuum it up.

Sometimes I really don’t understand why this stuff isn’t standard.

Pets and Specials (wings portrait) Could have a Rainbow beam and the cloud icon on the map.


Congratz OP. I barely farmed for the rainbow portrait, but I have everything else. Maybe I’ll give a go and farm for it with one of my non seasonal characters.

The only of the three I’ve got. Used her a lot before the Altar. But with pets picking up stuff I found that floating and flying pets work better (and even they can become stuck).

Congrats with the Rainbow find.


For the portrait, I highly suggest using The Staff of Herding before you turn it into the alter. Farmable and you double use. The Crusader horsey build is un believably fast. < Only way to fly. ~.O PUNS!!! :smiley:

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I also got mine this past Tuesday.
I now have the 3 rarest.
The Cosmic Butterfly wings, The Rainbow Portrait, and Writ’s Original Leg, which is a Random drop from the corpse of Bishibosh in the Den of the Fallen in The Weeping Hallow, Act I. The Den of the Fallen, the corpse of Bishibosh and the item itself are all random spawns, making this one of the most difficult transmogs to obtain.
Writ’s Original Leg, is best to farm in a group, that you trust.


Woot!!! Grats!!! < so I can actually post in word limiter

None of those you guys mention are rare,

You haven’t seen 5 perfect rolled stats on an primal/ancient item yet, those are 5 times more rare, or probably much more rare than 5x.

Original CE wings are probably pretty damn rare as well, I would assume?

In any case, major kudos!! I’m planning to try and farm the portrait and wings sometime this season, those definitely stand out!