The "pair of wings for Diablo III players" gave me a tiny hype for BlizzCon

Our forum icon changed btw. To compare it with the old just view the cache in google.

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We really do not need Nev to start the hype train, the forum members do that on their own. :kiss:

Remember all the Druid hype over the Fiacla-Géar wings: “Don’t let a druid see you wearing these wings, as they may think you killed one of their brethren.” It turned out to be nothing.


Assuming everyone read the D3 updates since the last Blizzcon, they realised that they might have neglected the PC and MAC users. Nevalistus made it clear that they were including them more in different ways. This seems like they are following through. As for the object included, I look at it like that saying ‘10% of something is always better than 100% of nothing.’

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You’re right. Saw it earlier.

Last time we got an in-game goodie for D3 via virtual ticket, we waited almost 2 years for its stupid pathfinding to be fixed - the mini Diablo pet.

Btw do we have a few new forum avatars with Diablo or I just haven’t noticed these before?

I am sorry, but if you are paying 49.99 for wings, that is on you, not on Blizzard.

Nothing is being forced here, the choice is on you.

No new ones that I know of. The forum did get a silent update though. See those two very faint buttons with the Blizz symbol and arrows next to the reply and tracking/watching buttons under the scrollbar? They now navigate between Blue posts in the thread. They weren’t there a couple days ago.

The forum avatars do appear to have gotten a slight resolution upgrade though.

Looks like we got like 2 or 3 Diablo portraits.

Last week i was looking at a new portrait and now that you asked this i’ve noticed that some new ones seem to have been included. The diablo logo portrait was at the very beginning of the last row, if I’m not mistaken, and now he’s three spaces ahead.

You people need to stop tryharding. It’s just wings.

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Yes, I think so. It would be good if other people confirm since we can’t objectively find out this.

Edit: Looks like I can’t find only the second one from above at old forums aka 1st and 3rd are old.
Edit 2: Second one is old too.