In case someone didn’t see, this year’s BlizzCon will give a pair of wings for D3.
This gave me some kind of hype, because there are only a few ways to obtain wings in D3:
1- Free to obtain
1.1- Drops ingame (like Cosmic wing and Falcon wings)
1.2- Season rewards
1.3- Achievements (Set Dungeons and Trag’Oul wings)
1.4- Time-limited events (Like the HoTS wings)
2- Pay to obtain
2.1- Deluxe Edition/Collector Edition of the Blizzard’s games (Overwatch, D3, D3 RoS, etc)
3- Platform only wings (PS4 and Switch each have their own)
Considering this, it is the first time that they will give a pair of wings for BlizzCon’s ticket. This, and also the fact that they didn’t show the wing yet brings me some kind of hope that something good will be released this year.
It’s actually 50/50
50% they have the wings to celebrate something good
50% they have the wings to “celebrate” D:I
If true, that’s pretty good news but where did you heard or see it?
edit: …oh… Blizzcon page updated… I see. Just wait for the VT goodies to be revealed to be sure. If wings are not rehash of another existing model and original work then you can bring in the fireworks and popcorn.
They indeed seem to be part of the virtual ticket.
More BlizzCon Virtual Ticket extras are in the works, including a pair of wings for Diablo III players (PC/Mac version only)*. Stay tuned for more details.
Exciting news for D3 wings. But to “say so”, and show every other games goodies, and not the wings in question. Wastes our precious time talking/looking for on web in multiple places at a repetitive cycle (for enthusiasts). It lacks thoughtful consideration . Love my D3 though! (But A1 marketing department to have eyes on all things Blizzard)
The end of the article gives information about the timeline for the Hearthstone and Diablo items
*Hearthstone and Diablo III items will be available on or before December 31, 2019.
I take that as an indication that they won’t be revealed until Blizzcon and are related to something they will talk about there. Could be related to another game even. Say the come out with a totally new game and add something in D3 as a marketing promotion? It could happen, right? Just like we got Mercy wings in D3 as part of the Overwatch promotion.
so we get to see them at some point before the end of the year, yeah screams to me like these where more of a last minute thing hence we havent gotten a clue what they are.
as for it being a new game time in, yeah could be, hearthstone 2 is rumoured after all. of its a diablo immortal tie in which would be even more comedy gold.
I really don’t think so. They are tied to a Blizzcon announcement of some sort, which is not something they do at the last minute. It may not be Diablo related at all though. They do so many cross promotion things.
The D3 items are most likely new set dungeons and relative supporting legendaries they already talked about and for the possibility of the new game if it is Diablo related it would be D4 otherwise i put my money on mobile Overwatch or even an ARPG variant of OW AKA Overwatch 2?
I do not get the v-ticket, is it common to provide the in-game items after Blizzcon. That seems goofy. Don’t people want to know what they get prior to spending the money. Honey let’s go to a movie, I already paid for the tickets, what are we going to see, I haven’t got a clue.
Something mobile would be logical, but hopefully as a spin off, and not a major game. For example WoW Pet battles would be very well received as a mobile version, have been asked for by the US/EU audience, and already have proven successful for Pokemon Go. Low risk, high reward, ready audience.
I never even considered this. I really like the OW story line but get motion sick so can’t play the game. Further, it is PvP, not really story telling. I would definitely play an OW ARPG game.
I wish they’d put those up as a store purchase by themselves. Paying that price for a game I can’t play due to lack of fully customizeable controls is kinda ludicrous. It’d be one thing if I could play the game, but I can’t, so…yeah.
Funny you mention this. Capcom actually played a lot of people with the Street Fighter V character lineup. They refused to reveal it before launch and expected people to preorder based on…expections? Then making SFV mostly multiplayer only kinda jilted people, so there is a precedent for not wanting to shell out money for something you have no idea what will be. Especially with a $50 price tag.
Yes, it is common to do that when the digital item is tied to something they have not announced yet. Usually the Virtual Ticket can still be bought all the way through Blizzcon and the replays are available through it until March 2020. So, if someone wants to wait until they see the D3 specific reward, they can.
I can’t play it either, so yeah, I would not mind having them for $10 or something in store.
These specific wings are for the purchase of the Blizzcon Virtual ticket. Not another game. What the wings are going to be, we have no idea. I was only pointing out they could be cross game themed like the WoW skins for Overwatch that are part of the Vticket.