Hey everyone!
This PTR, if they keep their promise with the 2-week length, will give us the possibility to leave all the feedback and maximize it’s value.
With a 2-week duration, at least i expect to have a 2nd patch roll out to test on PTR.
I am still a huge fan of Diablo 3 and i really respect the try that the CM-/Devteam is willing to do in terms of communication and ongoing support for this game.
In my daily job i work a lot with simplicity and standards to make the every-day-routine as comfortable as possible.
I think, it would be great if we would all pull together on this one. It may be worth our effort, if not for now, then, in any case for the future!
If you testers share this opinion: Let’s make their work as efiicient it can be, by following a few and simple rules.
What i would really like:
Keep the amount of threads as low as possible. Give them feedback as bundled as it can be.
A maximum amount of threads overall but with specific content and intentions.
Realistic suggestions and requests.
For example: Don’t ask for Sacrifice in a set around mana-regenration.
Because this patch won’t offer that much of new stuff, i would like to suggest following thread titles for the PTR section:
Focused Feedback - Mundunugu’s Regalia
Focused Feedback - LON/LOD Spirit Barrage
Focused Feedback - Season Theme as a WD
Additional thoughts & requests for WD
I think the first three points are pretty clear.
This should include everything that is going to be new and different.
If you would have something to say that doesn’t fit in one of the first three categories, i ask you to post in the 4th category than.
Nobody likes to read 50 threads talking about the same, lets focus it on just a few!
I hope a lot of people agree with this.
If there are any thoughts about it or if you would like chose different titles, feel free to share your thoughts!
It would be cool, if a PTR forum would be more organized. Maybe this helps a bit.