The new WD set coming next week

if we imagine helltooth as the new set, i think this is what the build would look like

Gems are hard for this build in particular. I think because of the nature of the weapon this might be a case where bane of the powerful is better than bane of the stricken.

max mana regen seems to be 703.5, which is a 35,017.5% damage multiplier.

This is true but from what it looks like, the new set doesn’t buff mana regen or maximum mana. So it should not affect the mana numbers above, and only affect how long you have the 250 mana regen per second.

If that is the case, than it sounds like the additional damage from CoE might be a tie for the additional damage from Zodiac, though that is open to debate?

I’m curious if the ‘accumulated damage’ from Barber counts as the RG getting hit by 500% as well? If so, I may end up putting the Barber in the Cube for the guaranteed 500% multiplier and wielding the Voo’s Juicer as that one has no range for the affix and will just be easier to get a good version of.

I am curious about the increase in attack speed with Manitou as well. I don’t see us going over the attack speed cap as we aren’t going to be stacking it over 5/s afaIk. If we are, then we may need to go for maximum regen / sec.

I am unsure which slots the new WD set takes up, but there is speculation that it will be the same slots as the Monk PoJ set. In which case you can use the Aughild’s Authority (Shoulders and Chest) set while wearing a Witching Hour. This will increase your elite damage and elite defense by 30%, while also giving added CHC. Probably end up being the best option since we don’t need to stack RCR because of the massive amounts of regen we’ll have due to needing it for our damage bonus.

I am curious how Phantasm + Manitou will function together. Are we going to get 3 Manitou’s over our heads, or just one that attacks faster? The Phantasms lasting for 10 seconds each will be nice, and I hope that they increase the damage from Enforcer and Mask of Jeram as well.

With us regenerating ~1/3 of our total mana per second, I don’t see any issues with using the Aquila Cuirass for damage mitigation, as the Aquila Cuirass would give us 75% damage mitigation from the 4p bonus of Munudungu after we use Spirit Walk for 30 seconds. With having 3 phantasms out at once, I don’t see us dropping below 90% for more than 0.3 seconds, at most, so we should be fully 90%+ all the time.

The question is: Is that worth the additional loss of almost 5k% damage (4840.5% based off of the numbers from the D3Planner link? If survivability is the end-game, almost certainly, but for pushing it would stand to reason that you throw down your Phantasm and just run around while they do the damage.

It also seems that we can use Squirts in our necklace, Aquila Cuirass AND Hex Pants in the cube with the S20 buff. This would be absolutely ridiculous as the Cuirass would counter out the 50% damage from Squirts, while the Cuirass would give us all the bonus damage and bonus mana regen (re: bonus damage further) that we would ever want.

I, personally, am not a big fan of the LS:H playstyle with RoE because I tend to not be vigilant enough to utilize LS and Haunt on every mob to get them to take 300% more damage. Though, that will certainly be a very valid playstyle, and prefer to have the Cold Damage bonus from SoJ permanently instead of standing still in one place as I build up the chunk burst damage (unable to dodge attacks) while waiting for the Cold Multiplier to come around. Being able to release the channel of SB at any point, get the bonus 20% damage, and avoid potential death is more appealing to me.

I checked out your build and it is a nice one. If you use Enforcer (Spirit Barrage is affected by Enforcer), instead of BotP, you’ll gain increased damage for the Phantasms. You’ll have 3 Phantasms out gaining 60% bonus damage at level 150, 45% at level 100, 30% at level 50.

I think that this would outweigh the BotP as it beats out BotP when running a HT Pet build. In a Garg build, the Garg jumps from 15B to 24B with your link and changing the appropriate items to boost garg the same amount that you are boosting SB by.

While BotP boosts EVERYTHING, it appears that 99.9999%+ of our damage will be from SB, and the minimal non-SB damage will be derived from increasing our damage done through Mana Regen or empowering SB (Piranhado, for instance).

Personally, I like your build but would instead swap out Zodiac for RoRG use the Grave Injustice passive. This would enable you to use Hexing Pants and Frostburn, but would remove the cheat death passive for S20. This would also allow you to use the BBV as often as if you used the Zodiac.

Why must Barber have us to stop channeling SB to cause DPS?

Why not make Barber explode Manitou every second while casting SB?

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If nothing else, at least leveling a WD is going to be much faster with the new changes to legendary items.

a sub 50 minute massacre bonus leveling time might even be possible now.

Hey everyone!

This PTR, if they keep their promise with the 2-week length, will give us the possibility to leave all the feedback and maximize it’s value.

With a 2-week duration, at least i expect to have a 2nd patch roll out to test on PTR.

I am still a huge fan of Diablo 3 and i really respect the try that the CM-/Devteam is willing to do in terms of communication and ongoing support for this game.

In my daily job i work a lot with simplicity and standards to make the every-day-routine as comfortable as possible.
I think, it would be great if we would all pull together on this one. It may be worth our effort, if not for now, then, in any case for the future!

If you testers share this opinion: Let’s make their work as efiicient it can be, by following a few and simple rules.

What i would really like:

Keep the amount of threads as low as possible. Give them feedback as bundled as it can be.

A maximum amount of threads overall but with specific content and intentions.

Realistic suggestions and requests.
For example: Don’t ask for Sacrifice in a set around mana-regenration.

Because this patch won’t offer that much of new stuff, i would like to suggest following thread titles for the PTR section:

  1. Focused Feedback - Mundunugu’s Regalia

  2. Focused Feedback - LON/LOD Spirit Barrage

  3. Focused Feedback - Season Theme as a WD

  4. Additional thoughts & requests for WD

I think the first three points are pretty clear.
This should include everything that is going to be new and different.
If you would have something to say that doesn’t fit in one of the first three categories, i ask you to post in the 4th category than.
Nobody likes to read 50 threads talking about the same, lets focus it on just a few!

I hope a lot of people agree with this.

If there are any thoughts about it or if you would like chose different titles, feel free to share your thoughts!

It would be cool, if a PTR forum would be more organized. Maybe this helps a bit.

Peace! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We all know mass chaos causes changes faster than organized threads. Barb had an organized thread for years before changes finally happened for them. Other classes used mass threads that were definitely outspoken and got many changes lol.

Your input might have been correct 2 years ago,like 7-8 seasons ago…

With the new structure and forum participation, and the new motivation behind the D3 project, i guess it could be worth better organized feedback, or effort in general.

They came up with the “ongoing support” thread only months ago, not years.

You can create 20 threads if you want, i try to focus my feedback.

Peace! :neutral_face: