The New Guardian's crafted set

During the PTR, I messed around with this set and GoD.

I’m not sure how the math works, so maybe someone can explain it too me. But at around 1200 paragon with the set equipped, I had over 30,000 main stat, the equivalent of my Paragon 4000 non-season DH.

I’m going to assume that increase is a substantial boost to damage and defense. Added to the damage decrease of incoming ranged and melee damage. In my experience, this was more defense than Wraps and more damage than CoE.

Am I correct in this thinking? I mean specifically with GoD.

I mean, with Shadow it seems to be better than Aughild’s too.

Am I way off base with this?


And just for the record, the top guys on the boards did 130 and 131 with the vengeance effect thing. While I did 129 with the Strafe one using Multishot Windchill for free crit chance and BotT procs with much lower paragon.

Edit #2: I mean the GoD board specifically.

It’s definitely better than Aughilds at low to moderate paragon. The sheet damage and toughness skyrocket. It’s difficult to say where the crossover would be, because you also don’t need RoRG with Guardians. You’ll probably be using CoE with Guardians in most cases.

I don’t know that I’d accept that it’s better defensively than Wraps. Extra vit and armor are nice but 50% damage reduction is hard to beat. With GoD, you are so mobile and you have such good life regen that maybe you don’t need Wraps at GRs below 110 or so. Eventually, though, you will need enough straight damage reduction to not get 1 shot and for that Wraps or Elusive is mandatory.

From one point of view, the math is simple: with Guardians, you get a lot of value out of every item that has dex and even more out of items that have dex and vit, because whatever it says on the item, you get double that. That means ancient items will be even more rewarding and less optimal items like gloves or amulet that have dex will be just as good as the ones with area damage or elemental damage.

It doesn’t double your paragon or your augments, so those shouldn’t be factored in. Your 1200 paragon doesn’t matter. If you had 30,000 main stat, I’d guess a lot of that was from free primals/ancients/augments that you get on the PTR. Still, the value of guardians starts very high, but will eventually drop relatively as you get more paragon and augments or switch to more items that don’t roll dex.

It looked to me that for things like rings, main stat was about the same as having increase physical damage with added defense to boot but you’re probably right, more paragon does probably lower it’s value but seeing as I only get somewhere between 1500 and 2400 paragon a season, it looks like for me specifically, Guardian’s will be the way to go.

Thanks for your reply.

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