The main reason i came back to d3

for me its simple the witch doctor, its not in d4 and there are no plans toward it so came back to d3


I was very happy when they said that. Keep the crazy chickens running around all over the screen in D3. :chicken:

From reading over the D4 forums/reddit, it seems most are glad WD is gone. I can’t say I agree with them.

Same. I thought they put in some real effort to create some well thought out, new classes for D3. Yes, many of the old archetypes are there but just jumbled around into these new classes that felt fresh back in 2012.

I really enjoyed WD as part of those classes.

This is a big reason D4 lost any appeal for me. All recycled classes. Gives me the ‘been there, done that’ feeling.


I play both D3 and D4. Right now D4 is a bit stale. Nothing much to do after you level up to 100 and you one shot everything, but do countless Duriel runs, after counteless farming runs to get mats, for the countless Duriel runs. You get the picture. Reminded me a lot of the D2 Baal runs. I have to say: I’m enjoying D3 again.

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At least with Baal runs, you didn’t have to farm mats or people buying duped mats.

It was a product of its time but it had a certain appeal.

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Kinda weird decision that they didn’t include WD in D4 when they are doing the whole inclusivity now :laughing: